Friday, October 21, 2011

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend

Have a great Friday, and a better Saturday and Sunday.


  1. First for Friday!
    by the way, only two more early classes left :)

  2. hello all, happy Friday.. The girls are home again today, yet another week where one of them is sick.. no wonder why I have been having a hard time getting my schooling done.. some day I will.. We were woken up on Thursday morning (or 1a.m. on Thursday) by Maia puking all over the place.. such a glamorous life it is being a mom.. got to spend the rest of the night on the floor of the living room keeping a puke bucket near my daughter all night...

  3. BOOOOO....

    scared the hell out of you people

  4. I just can't believe I beat jed today!

    Why Not- I remember those days and I know it is not easy. I just hope they both get better for you.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!♥

  5. Here I am...THB, I was waiting for you to go, you know, being a gentleman and all. lol. 5th, yeah baby it's Friday, I get to stop by the old store tonight. Everyone have a positive & productive day.

    Ummm, Miss Froggy... 12:00am again? You have some talent. lol

  6. 6th again. I think I'm starting a pattern.
    Oh Why Not, I hope your girls get better really quick and I really hope you don't get it.

  7. lucky number 7 :) off work today, hubby home for the weekend, got to sleep in, doesn't get better than this! Happy Friday everybody, see ya'all tomorrow!
    hugs Whynot, sick kids are hard on us moms, hope they feel better soon!

  8. I am at the Florida Association of Science Teacher's conference today. Actual session title in the program: "Create Excitement and Success for Students with Hands-On Anatomy." Did anyone read that title and think about it before it was submitted. Excitement and hands-on anatomy? I can think of multiple hands-on anatomy activities that would create a whole lot of excitement!

  9. I think Hale needs to stop by one of those "happy ending" places. lol

  10. NINTH!!!

    Sign me up for the Hands-On Anatomy classes.

  11. Yea! If I can't be #1, I'll fight to be a 10.

    So glad the weekend is finally here! I yelled at someone today (not a kid, either) Actually yelled. I kind of like it. I think it made a difference. Me and Rodney Dangerfield, we get no respect!

  12. I have my own personal Hands-On Anatomy trainer...
