Friday, October 21, 2011

"Racine Police Department Fundraiser-October 22nd!"

Bump - - - This takes place tomorrow. It's a great cause.

Originally posted Thursday, October 13, 2011, at 7:21 PM:

From Racine Uncovered:

"It’s official! The first family orientated Racine Police Department K9 unit fundraiser is being held October 22nd. It’s being held at Champ Tap (inside and outside) 2511 Durand Ave. Racine. The event is running from noon till ???. There will be food, music, 50/50 raffles, baskets for raffle, baked items for sale. Tap beer all you can drink $10. Hot dog plates, hamburger plates, nachos and more. Face painting for the kids. Racine Police K9 unit will be out during the afternoon for all the kids, along with additional presentations from German Shepherd clubs! More surprises to come! Bring your friends and family out to this event!If you would like to donate items for raffle baskets or baked items. Please email me at the site. Admission is free and all proceeds from everything are being donated directly to the Racine Police Department K9 Fund. Lets show the police department that residents stand behind them!

"(A very big thank you to Carri from the Cham Tap. Deputy Chief Smetana, RPD K9 unit, Officer Dave A., Cathy C with the RPD, Jody Wagner and Desiree Davis….we will git-r-done!):

That's the same day as the next JTI gathering. No worries - you can stop by the fundraiser on the way to Beejay's house or on the way back.


  1. Another great way to rack up some money is after that all you can drink 10 dollar tap beer is wait outside in the parking lot and start ticketing those that start to drive home..

  2. Kids at a tavern with beer? Do the cops know about this?

  3. Yes, that sort of threw me too. If you are at a cop fundraiser with all you can drink beer.... you better have a designated driver!

  4. I'm sure they'll provide transportation if necessary. As for kids, food, adults, and beer, the church festivals do it all the time.

  5. It's being held inside and outside, we are hopefully going to be using the grounds of the church across the street. Found out today we are going to have to shut down streets (RFD is bringing in engines and ambulances) this is a very kid friendly event during the day :)

  6. Hey negative is not like the people are going to be stumbling down drunk at this event. The bar owner was gracious enough to donate her business for the use of the parking lot and building. And all you can do is bash the event because someone is trying to do something good for this city. If you look at the says "kid/family friendly meaning it's not all about drunk people sitting in a bar. Nice!! Open your eyes!!

  7. Oh my Anonymous, it's called a joke.. I'm all for this event, think it's a great thing.. just kinda funny to read about a bottomless tap in an area where there are lots of cops and children.. lighten up a little huh..

  8. I'm with Why Not.

    Hey Angry Anon... I know several Nancy s' who are very positive people.

    Chill out anon, maybe get a name

  9. Wow, there are so many things happening up there this weekend that I wish we were there.
    I really don't think people will be getting too toasted at a police event but there are idiots everywhere. I think it is a great thing and hope the turnout is fabulous.

    Anonymous - I think you need to lighten up here. People are just voicing their concerns.
