Tuesday, November 15, 2011

HealthFair - Health Screening Services

They're going to be in Racine, on Saturday, December 17, 2011, at K-Mart,
2211 S. Green Bay Road.

What do you think about these mobile testing outfits? I remember discussing the changes in health care a couple of years ago with my doctor, who spoke about how it would cost x amount of dollars if he ordered an MRI, but an independent contractor could do it for a third of that cost. Well, here's the independent offering tests for a lot less.

What about insurance coverage? This is from their FAQ:

"Q. Does Medicare or health insurance cover preventive health screenings?"
"A. Health insurance coverage varies from policy to policy. Upon request, HealthFair will provide you with a detailed, itemized receipt that can be submitted to your health insurance company to determine coverage and/or reimbursement."

I assume that means no. I'm sure if Medicare and/or most policies covered it, they would trumpet the news. In any case, you have to pay first, then seek reimbursement from your provider later.

So, is this how health care is evolving? If I could afford to have the 6 Test Package done, I don't know that I would. I'm pretty sure that I know what kind of condition some of those things are in regarding myself. I don't want confirmation. If I don't know about it, it doesn't exist.

If the technicians and equipment are up to the standards that HealthFair claims, this sounds like a good deal.


  1. I went to one and paid $something like $188 and they did find something wrong with my veins. Of course I had to go to the doctor for the same tests and then had a procedure to repair the damage. If they hadn't found it to begin with I would never have known but the doctor just repeats the tests. So go there or go to doctor first? I had no symptons so it could have turned out wrong without the 'pre test'.

  2. Glad to hear you are OK now Sassa. I hate doing the doctor thingy, especially when you don't have any symptoms, I always feel they are doing marketing and just trying to find something wrong they can sell you on.

  3. We are really on our own and I am greatly concerned that it is going in the wrong direction. Why Not has commented on Sweden's health care.

    I really believe we get hit much harder as responsible individuals who work, pay taxes, pay for insurance, pay more for medical services and then pay the remaining out of pocket. I believe we would pay less overall if we had some sort of universal coverage.

  4. Sassa, I thought the same thing about the tests, that the doctors will just repeat them if you report problems. But the doctors don't give you the option to have the tests done if you don't have symptoms. I think this is a great preventive tool and one which the doctors and health care field should offer to patients, but don't.

    I agree with jedwis and I'm going to a doctor this afternoon. After my experiences of being so sick last winter, and especially because it wan an ER doctor who finally diagnosed my problem 10 MONTHS AFTER THE REGULAR DOCTORS GAVE UP, that is why I no longer trust health care today. I'm going to see a specialist, "expert" today who blew me off last February - I have to continue seeing him even though he failed to diagnosis my problem because he is now in charge of the meds to alleviate the problem that he said didn't exist in the first place.

    It is literally insane. My regular doctor no longer meets my eyes - he just turns red and looks at the floor when he sees me.

    Just wait until you are very, very sick. It opened my eyes to horrors I didn't know exist and I will NEVER trust an MD again.

  5. Orb's, Is this the one that the "Ed Show" on MSNBC talks about all the time?

  6. Actually, We don't even go to the Dr. anymore. We are up to our eyeball's In Medical Bill's, and just plain don't care anymore. We have NOT planned for the future, and spend everything, and more on either things WE don't need or things for the Kid's and Grandkids. I'm fairly certain It will come to a head fairly soon, but as they say "Dem's the berries" Speaking of health dilemma's, WHERE IS HUCK?

  7. My problem was they found out my arteries in both legs were closing up. My symptons were aching when I went up stairs..nothing really to write home about. So I never mentioned it to my doctor. When I show her the results she had xrays taken and sure enough the arteries in one leg were blocked and the other leg grew arteries around the blockage. That was a hell of an operation. They even showed me the plaque they took out of the arteries. Good thing I had that 'scan'.

  8. Sorry, I don't know what the Ed Show is.

    I think I had an immature image of doctors. To me, they were still the white knights. hippocratic oath and all that. That's a view from my childhood.

    Well, it's a business now, a very big business. Perhaps independent physicians are different, but it's obvious to me that the doctors now put their loyalty first to their employer, second to their patients.

  9. I had a problem last November (2010)..Since they have given me 20 pints of blood, last one was about 2 months ago.

    I asked the doctor, since you been in there so many times, did you change the filter also?

    Holy shit did he get pissed....

  10. After Toad mentioned Huck, I had to go to the old site.. I did see that he has put up a blog on the forum there.. so he's around.. I couldnt open it.. didnt want to get worn down by the vile JT blogs..

  11. My neighbor had one of these health screenings and they found that her arteries were almost completely blocked with plaque. She took it to her doctor and he just threw the report in the trash. She ended up having a stroke a few weeks later. Talk about malpractice. This is the problem with health care today, there are services like this that can save peoples lives but the doctors and government wants to keep doing what their doing, which isn't working! I think this is a great service and everyone should do it. They only charge $179 for a whole series of tests. Hopefully one day the insurance companies will pay for this testing because it would probably save them money. It would have cost the insurance company alot less to prevent my neighbors stroke then to pay for the hospital bills and rehab required after. But then again why would the insurance companies want to save us money when they can just keep raising our rates.
