Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Open Blog - Wednesday & Thursday

Halfway to the weekend.


  1. I got up just for this...wooohooo

  2. "To sleep, perchance to dream-
    ay, there's the rub."

    I'm beginning to think it impossible.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'll go fourth to give room for Jed.. lets see if he gets here in time..

  5. any morning not relying on an alarm, and not having to go to work is a good day!
    (even if it includes a monster to-do list...)
    ok Jed, after how many times of being told to be productive, I may actually do it this time :)

  6. Ok this is how much of a house wife/ stay at home mom I am.. I was quite excited to see the mail man drop off my brand new vacuum cleaner!!! I have been vacuuming up a storm.. You see here in Sweden for whatever reason they do not have upright vacuums and the canister vacs they have do not have rotating bristles... Well I finally got the idea to go on and see what they had in England because at least their electricity is the same there.. and they had them.. ordered the vacuum and after 4 weeks of waiting IT HERE!! and my rugs are CLEAN!!!

    I have the most beautiful rug in the girls room but I did a real stupid thing.. I ordered it in a cream color.. so every little piece of lint and dirt shows up.. the canister vac without rotating brushes cannot get it out.. so for the 2 years we have had this rug it has only been truly clean for about the first week.. it looks like brand new and I am so excited...

    ok sorry that was my rant.. just very happy to have my new upright vacuum..

  7. I am up and getting ready for work. I have another eight in a half hour day of work today. I hope everyone has a good day!♥

  8. Morning on my bike...still trying to shed some of that cheese weight I put on in WI!

    Have a fun Wednesday....

  9. 8th...this sucks, but at least I beat Mary, Ms Froggy & KK. Thanks for the opportunity Why Not and congrats on the new vacuum, to celebrate your new toy, I'm going to go to IKEA and have some meatballs. Everyone, including Miss LM, have a positive and productive day

  10. Oh, I guess KK did beat me, oh well 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

  11. Rats! I am quite late. Have a great Wednesday everyone.

  12. Hmmm...interesting string of events unfolding here with the logjam man. Anyone notice?

  13. looks like he removed himself from the site.. =(

    I'm sorry it has to be like that, we should be able to express ourselves without fear of running people off

  14. I felt very guilty the first time. I also felt censored. Thank you to those of you who supported my right to speak about something so huge in the news and that which has a direct impact on my life. If I felt I couldn't speak my mind, *I* don't belong here.

    Loggy, I'm sorry you are angry with me. I don't post on and on about it, even though this legislation has been the impetus for me to lose my 12 year job this year doing something that I felt was extremely valuable for our children and that I truly loved. Others have posted political blogs and you've not been angry. I wish you would accept my right to free speech. I respect your right to speak your mind. I also respect your right to not post if that is what you choose.

  15. so apparently Wednesday is here. been going to bed earlier lately and then forget to still check in here after waking up. I'm alive though.

  16. Oh damn. I hadn't read the comments on kk's blog yet.


  17. Oh, and I didn't comment on that blog because the topic is so hot now.

    I fully support everyone's right to express their opinion.

    Yes, apparently logjam deleted his blogs and comments.

  18. I like everybody, logjam included but the 'I'm going to take my crayons and play somewhere else' mentality really ticks me off, sorry, I don't like having to worry about posting something and wondering if it will drive somebody away, I'd rather they go if we can't have the freedom that we established this site for.
    sorry for the long run on sentence, Beejay, I'm sure that had to bug you :)

  19. Well, I also support his right to express his opinion by deleting his material. He's the author, he owns it.

    I just never thought of anyone doing that. It's part of the evolution of the site. It's sad to me, but I don't think there's much to be done about it except to move on.

    As far as I'm concerned, logjam, you're always still welcome.

  20. I would have to agree, even though I am a nobody, I think everyone has the right to express whatever opinion they want, if you don't like it let them know in a appropriate manner and move on. So, KK I am behind you 100%.

  21. Of course, you're a nobody. You're an Irregular. Nobody is more nobody than the Irregulars. Stall tall, stand proud, man. We're the elite of the rejects, the best of the worst.
