Monday, November 28, 2011

Open Blog - Monday & Tuesday

Whose legs are those?


  1. Yes Jed, I'm a slacker.

  2. booger...
    here's hoping for a happy Monday, too early yet to adequately predict

  3. Does it really have to be Monday?? This weekend was not relaxing at all.. Had a nice time at Thanksgiving on Saturday.. It was nice seeing you again Jed, glad you could make it.. Hope it wasnt too long of a flight back and forth..

    I'm exhausted today.. think I will have to take a ity bity nap before I get my day going.. (the pleasures of being a stay at home mom while the girls are at preschool for a couple of hours)

  4. I am up not really awake yet. Trying to wake up. But I am here and I guess I am fourth today!

  5. 5th...yeah baby...I'll share with anyone who asks. Ms Froggy-20 minutes late. Ummm, Why Not ...Thanks for the great time, hope you liked the meatballs, yeah I'm good, my arms are a little sore from flying the long way back...I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and have a positive and productive return to whatever.

  6. Ah, here it is Monday after a nice long holiday weekend. Have a good day everyone.

  7. Those kinda look like the bottom of my slippers?

  8. I got the good seats for the launch on Saturday. Great trip. Got inside the VAB, to the Apollo I launch pad, saw Bill Nye again and was there among others. Had very little time on the trip to blog so will write one up later today on that.

  9. I'm in at #8. The day has been fairly good so far. All hell could break loose at any moment, though.

    I'm seriously worried about huck. Haven't heard from him in ages... has he been visible on other sites?

  10. Are you sure it's Monday? The holiday weekend screwed up my sense of time again.

    I haven't seen Huck elsewhere.

  11. KK

    There is a blog he posted on the
    23rd out on journal times site.

  12. After someone mentioned something about Huck last time.. I did go to that other site and did see that he had put up a blog there.. will have to check back and see if there is anything recent again..

  13. Wait..wait..wait..There is another site besides this one?

  14. Huck has been missing here...I haven't checked blogs on the JT lately. Hopefully, he will check back in with us.

  15. Seriously, could this day get any longer?

  16. That does not sound like the cheerful, positive and productive Mary, we all know, now does it Mary?

  17. No it doesn't and I don't care! Hows that? I'm not cranky, I'm just really bored at work and want to go home.
    Yes, I'd like some cheese to go with that whine.

    Hale - we watched the launch on the computer - pretty neat.

  18. It's turned into a strange/weird day for me. Nothing is going as planned. Doesn't everyone know that I'm the boss?

  19. not a slacker today :)

  20. OMG, I'm number 2 for Tuesday. Ha! Take that Jedwis!!!!

  21. Way to go Ms Froggy & Mary. I don't like this odd day open blog thingy, it gets too confusing. lol
