Saturday, November 26, 2011

Useless Information

Did you know:

French's uses 25 million pounds of onions per year to manufacture their French's Fried Onions.


  1. 25 million pounds, then I see my 5lb science project hanging on the drawer in the corner with all the green spouts coming out of it. I can’t remember the last time I use a whole bag of onions.

  2. I would assume that their peak sales come over the holidays with all the green bean casseroles that are made. Yum.

    I go through bags of onions all the time. You have to put them in the crisper drawer of the fridge, without anything else in there and then they last longer.... or I just use a whole lot more than anyone else.

    SER, I like useless information. I think you've found your blogging niche.

  3. They did mention their peak sales run from Thanksgiving to Christmas

  4. For Thanksgiving O&H had 575 orders, each consisting of several items, i.e. pie/cake/rolls/kringle. At Christmas the orders run to 2000. That's 2000 people who placed orders. WOW

  5. I forgot to add that was just for my store!

  6. 35 million lbs of onions.. I wonder how many lbs of dried onions that ends up being..

  7. Is there anything other than green bean casserole that french fired onions are used on?

    'Useless Information' has made the Features list on the sidebar.

  8. Ya, and they get about 500 bucks a pound for them. Not really, but they are another one of those things that don't weigh anything, but cost a lot. Potato Chip's are another. As for using onions. I bought a 5 lb. bag, and for the first time In years, I used the entire bag.

  9. Sassa, Somehow, 575 sounds about 2000 orders low. Did YOU count them, or did one of the owners tell you this? Maybe they didn't answer the phone the other 2000 times? They didn't open that plant on Rapids Dr. just for grins. My sister sent me a loaf of Pumpernickel. It SUCKS. I think they bake It, and freeze It, because they don't get enough orders. Danish Layer Cakes should NEVER be frozen either. If you order one Next Day, It costs nearly $100.00 and Is also dry. They are willing to send you another dry cake to replace It. I said NO. I going to Bendsten's from now on. They have the REAL Pumpernickel, but I will have to find out If they freeze It?

  10. Orb's, Sometimes you will find them on a salad bar. They are wonderful on top of a salad.

  11. Toad...we don't freeze cakes. The only ones frozen are the Napoleons you may want now..and that is not usually the case. We make them while you wait. We have FOUR stores (the 5th is the factory)and mine is just one. I personally saw the order count...sorry! The count is only the orders, not what we sold to walk ins. I'm quite sure Bendstens makes very good bakery..enjoy.

  12. You're right , Toad. I've seen them at salads bars, while I load up on the bacon bits.

    Mom likes O&H pumpernickel. I have to pick her up a loaf every so often.

  13. my sister turned me on to onion crusted chicken breasts, using this stuff, really good. I last tried it with the cheddar kind and loved it

  14. Onions & garlic & 5th's...oh my.

  15. Can you get too much garlic and onions? (of course with a side wash of 5th) ;>

  16. Sassa, I am NOT trying to DIS. you for working for them. They do make GREAT bakery IF you are In Racine, and can pick It up yourself. IF, you order a Danish Layer Cake to be shipped. It Is shipped In a foam cooler with dry ice, I know, because I got one. I suggested NOT EVER freezing a Danish Layer Cake, or for that matter ANY item prior to sale. NONE. Feel free to investigate my statements. Ask Mike or Eric If It's true. I personally always dealt with Dale. I personally spoke with Dale about this, and he offered another cake, but I declined. I have nothing against O & H EXCEPT If they freeze an item prior to sale. Have you EVER noticed the sign on fish at the grocery store. "Previously Frozen"
