Friday, November 25, 2011

"US bargain-hunting turns violent on Black Friday"

"LOS ANGELES — Shootings, fights and a pepper spray attack marred the Black Friday stampede of bargain hunters that traditionally kicks off the US holiday shopping season after the Thanksgiving holiday.

"In the most sensational incident, a woman pepper-sprayed other shoppers at a Los Angeles area Wal-Mart store to beat out fierce competition for sought-after electronics merchandise during a 'doorbuster' sale.

"The woman, an unidentified Hispanic in her 30s, was 'trying to get advantage over the items being sold on sale,' when she turned a can of mace on the other customers, Los Angeles Police Department Sergeant J. Valle said."

Happy Holidays!


  1. This is why I don't do shopping. lol

  2. Just how much stuff do we need and how badly do we need it?

    ♪♫selling makes the world go round, world go round, world go round...♫♪ Geech.

  3. If I don't get the latest and the greatest gadget, then I am less of a human being. Forgive me, Father, for I have not accumulated enough stuff.

  4. materialism, we're all guilty of it somewhat (well most of us anyways) but it really seems to be getting ridiculous.. I still find it so strange when I was visiting there.. Everyone talks about how terrible the economy is and people not having jobs and money but I could not get over the amount of iPhones I saw around or other big fancy phones, I've seen what those cost and the plans that go with them..

    Not saying people cannot have these things when times are bad, I just wonder how many could actually afford them??

  5. The girl turned herself in....

    LA to New York there was a lot of violence in parking lots.

  6. Black Friday was a financial success this year, but our society continued to devolve.
