Friday, November 25, 2011

Occupy Racine

The Sheriff has again notified me of a comment on one of my past blogs, but only a month old this time. My blog was about an Occupy Milwaukee rally: In the blog, I asked the question, "Will there be an Occupy Racine?" Earlier today, I received an answer:

"Occupy Racine said...
Occupy Racine is a fledgling group. We are in need of proper organization. We have the social media tapped, the population seems a bit apathetic. Please contact us via Twitter and spread the word. Thank you!

This is their Twitter web page:!/OccupyRacine

I do not necessarily endorse Occupy Racine or any other Occupy movement. The Sheriff wouldn't post this information because the JT Irregulars does not take a political stance. I post the information as a public service only.

As for, "the population seems a bit apathetic," I would say that is a bit of an understatement.


  1. EXACTELY WHAT Is the Sheriff's relationship with JT IRREGULARS? Is this person an example of a LEGAL resource, or someone that takes 1st ammendment rights away?

  2. I don't think the Sheriff takes away First Amendment rights - any member can post anything they want in a blog. Each blogger is responsible for his or her own blogs. If someone deletes a comment you make on their blog, then your argument is with that blogger, not the Sheriff. The Sheriff will take down spam, though.

  3. I see the Sheriff as an administrator of the blog. I think he/she/they/it act in the best interest of each and every jtirregular member and reader.

    Much like any human being or parental unit, there is the potential for occasional variances of judgement. I sincerely believe that the Sheriff does an excellent job of keeping us spam free and make our site a pleasurable site to visit.

    As for occupy Racine.... I understand there are many who are fed up and feel the need to make a statement or be heard. I also vividly see the image in my mind of the police recently totally dousing non violent sitting protesters with pepper spray. We are at a pivotal point in our economy and political arena. We can only go up or down from here. This turmoil can't last. Something has to give.

  4. the Sheriff never interferes with our 1st amendments rights. I'm with orbs, each person that posts a blog has sole authority to delete something or never touch anything - comment-wise on their blog post. Don't worry Toad, this is a fundamental base from which this site formed, something the JT did not believe in

  5. Orb's and all, I am refering to Orb's statement that the Sheriff took a comment off regarding Occupy Racine. I guess I don't get It. AGAIN.

  6. I'm sorry, Toad, that I gave you that impression. What I meant was that the Sheriff notified me that someone had commented on one of my older blogs. He didn't delete the comment. In fact, he allowed it. I usually check only the last few blogs posted on the main page. I rarely check blogs from the past.

    Comments on older blogs have to be 'moderated' (approved or disapproved) by the Sheriff before they appear. That has to be done because 99.9% of the comments on older blogs are spam, usually with links to God knows what.

  7. Not a problem; in fact, it is good to get our "stuff" out there every once in awhile. I love the JTI. I ♥ the Sheriff. I love that I can blog whatever is on my mind without worry of censorship. I also love that others respect my right to publicly make a fool of myself. ;>

  8. I don't know the sheriff... he/she/it is like the great and wonderful Wizard of Oz...Maybe Mme Z can help me?

  9. Just don't look behind the curtain! :)
