Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my dreamy confections! How are you? The first day of February and we’re going to see 50 degrees again? What happened to winter this year? Is it going to come in like gangbusters late in the season, or just sputter out with a few more cold spells this month? Mother Nature is not talking to me, of course, and I can’t find Old Man Winter anywhere. Obviously, when he’s not around, the temperature rises. Word on the psychic gossip hotlines is that Old Man W is having a fling with summer, and that’s what has him preoccupied. Of course, opposites attract, but in the long run, they’re totally incompatible and I expect that our weather will return to normal sooner rather than later.

In perusing the news yesterday, I came across this disturbing item: “Pythons Wiping Out Everglades Mammals, Report Says” Oh my. I immediately thought of our Ms. Beejay. I know she’s battled a few snakes in Florida, but I don’t know if she is ready to take on 16 ft. long Burmese pythons. Apparently, these pythons are the descendents of pets that either escaped or were let loose into the Everglades. They have devoured nearly all other species into extinction. It’s quite a mess and I don’t know what they are going to do about it. Once man has upset the natural balance of things, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to restore it. The pythons have no natural enemies in the Everglades. If you introduce a natural predator, then you need to think of what is going to control that animal. Whatever happens, please stay away from the Everglades, Ms. Beejay and Mr. BiggieD.

A little closer to home, I was reminded that a Kenosha judge is supposed to rule tomorrow on whether Mr. Mayor John Dickert was acting as mayor or not when he said the e-word on the radio during a mayoral candidates forum. My prediction is that the judge will rule that Mr. Mayor was not acting as mayor when he said the e-word. However, that won’t stop our Common Council from picking up Mr. Mayor’s legal tab, anyway. Thus spake Madame Zoltar!®

Thank you so much for stopping by to read my blog today. It’s always wonderful to share time with friends and family. My blog is your blog. I’m delighted to have you as a guest.

Taxes prepared, audit antidotes:

Keep your wardrobe for all four seasons out. That’s the only way to cope with weather so out of kilter. Stay warm, cool, dry, wet, or whatever you need to coexist peacefully with the elements. I love you all. Rorulent!


  1. Sixteen foot python that had just eaten a 6 foot long alligator!!!! EEEEEK. While we go through the Everglades to go to Miami/Keys, etc., we don't stop to check for those monsters....yuck. Biggie D can handle the situation, I'm sure. He has no fear of snakes...

    I remember shortly after moving here, Doug (my late husband) saw a very, very large snake slithering across our backyard into the woods. He thought better of telling me about it. It went one way and he the other. He said I would have packed up and moved back to WI! LOL.

    While I have gotten better about snakes, I still do NOT like them. I tolerate them and that is as far as it will go.

  2. Hi Mme Z...What's your Super Bowl prediction?

    Rorulent? Sounds like you need a pest control.

  3. Mme Z - Perhaps some of the s-word clouded the crystal ball and obscured an 8 to look like a 2?

  4. Oh my, Mr. Anonymous, is that when the judgment is due? Imagine that, me being wrong. Huh.

    Mr. jedwis, my Super Bowl prediction is that certain people will make a lot of money on that day.

    Good, Ms. Beejay, stay away from the Everglades and that other area that has been overtaken by snakes: politics.
