Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Open Blog - Wednesday & Thursday

Welcome to February.


  1. nice Orbs! :)
    Good morning all, working on the caffeine infusion...
    Yesterday was beautiful, I hope today is the same!

  2. I guess I am third today. I was really nice yesterday I went for a walk to the store. It was nice not having to wear my winter coat.

  3. 4th, which leaves it open for Jed..

  4. Oh, Jed, I'm so sorry.
    I'll share my fifth with you.

  5. Thanks BeeJay...Sorry Why Not, I choked. We can all share...We can all be our wonderful self's. ( Is that correct english KK?) 6TH ain't all that bad...Everyone, besides being wonderful, have a P & P day.

  6. 7th? I'll take 7th. Have a great day everyone and enjoy the weather.
    THB - I am also enjoying not having to wear a coat for a few days.
    We will pay for this though. Watch March will be like January. Yikes!

  7. are not being P here? Let's go P. lol

  8. Yes it's wednesday and kinda glumy looking outside from where I sit

    I would rather be fishing...!!!!

  9. Spent the last two days getting new counters and cabinets refaced in the kitchen. Don't feel like I am stuck in the '70s quite so much anymore!

  10. Have to jump in and claim my 10 spot. I'm keep on keeping on.... is it almost Friday?

    SER, I think you should ask if there is anyway you can fish from your lair. Tell them it would greatly speed up your recovery.

    Jed. "self's?" How about selves? Good golly, you had me thinking for a second. Leaf/leaves. I'm leaving. Oh dear!

  11. Mary don't say that because I am enjoying not having to drive in the snow right now.

    Sunday I had to be to work at 7:30am and the roads were bad. I only could drive at 30mph. I thought I would never get to work. But I made it and I really do not want to go through that anymore this winter. I like my warm weather and can't wait for it to come back.

  12. Been awfully warm here...I actually put on the air for a bit yesterday...not very long, but it was pretty stuffy in here...grandma goes around closing doors and I go around opening them. LOL.

  13. We'll probably get a blizzard on the 4th of July.

  14. 2nd for Thursday and I'm really late. My excuse is my car is in the shop.

    Have a P&P day everyone.
    Jed - that was for you.
