Friday, February 24, 2012

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a normal positive and productive week. Not much to report, for the days seem to blend together. Here are some questions for you...

1) What was the last thing you bought at a store?

2) How well do you work under pressure?

3) What was your favorite childhood toy?

4) What are you looking forward to the most in the upcoming spring?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. A ten pack of razor blades. $18.95, why are they so expensive?

    2. I do best under pressure but I don't like it.

    3. My bike.

    4. Gardening, sitting around the fire, cruising, 4th of july fireworks, First Fridays, for starters.

  2. 1. Groceries
    2. Very well...
    3. Piglets....don't even ask.
    4. Not much...we didn't have winter to speak of down here. Going to hit 85 here today.

  3. are the best, but you already knew that.

    1. Ummm...I don't know, maybe a 5th?
    2. What do you mean, pressure? I work fine under pressure, what have you heard? Pressure doesn't bother me, I'm fine, really I am, no sweat, I can handle it... really, I can.
    3. The Twister game I played with my closest female friends.
    4. Not seeing my name in the obituaries.

  4. 1. Pepsi Max
    2. Usually fine, depending on where the pressure is coming from (somebody standing over me, NO)
    3. a big stuffed gorilla, I took him everywhere with me and cried for days when I had to get rid of him for the degree of dust that he was holding :( worst day ever
    4. lack of snow, not looking forward to the over abundance of allergies

  5. 1. Does gas count? I went the other day and paid $3.25; by the next morning it was $3.39.
    2. Sometimes good, sometimes not so good.
    3. My skateboard - not those big things they have today. Ours were quite a bit smaller.
    4. It was 75 the other day so I opened some windows and got to hear the birds chirping. Can't wait for the hummingbirds to come back.

    Dodge Boy - I was going to buy some as well until I saw the price. Back to the cheap ones.

    Jed - as always you crack me up.

    Thanks Drew!

  6. 1. Brown Rice

    2 It all depends on what Is causing the pressure. If It's pressure to reach a goal, GREAT, If It's pressure, because someone doesn't do their job REALLY BAD.

    3. Not necessarly a toy, but my BIKE.

    4. Beautiful 65 degree sunny day's.

  7. 1. Alaskan salmon
    2. Depends if she is a blonde , brunette, or redhead
    3. Bicycle
    4. Fishing in Alaska

  8. 1. Milk, bread, vodka? That should cover it.
    2. Pressure is my middle name.
    3. Racko, Trouble, Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots
    4. All of it

  9. 1) Some groceries. (if razors have gotten that expensive, I'm growing a beard.)

    2) I used to do great under pressure. Not so much anymore.

    3) I guess my stuffed Scottish terrier dog. I slept with it until it fell apart.

    4) I'd like to see some justice come out of lying John's trial, but that's difficult when dealing with liars and cheats. Otherwise, just the weather. I want to get my tomatoes in.

  10. 1. a pair of rain boots for Mina (40 dollars and sick enough thats CHEAP... ugh no wonder why we are always broke)

    2. terribly, I clam up and shut down..

    3. hmm.. well I had my Teddy Ruxpin, loved it when he sang to me, but I didnt play with him.. that must have been my Fluppy Puppy or my squishy rabbit.

    4. getting to play in my own yard this year.. will miss Racine, but I miss my own yard.. now mind you the beginning will not be a joy as I have to clean out about a ton of cat poo out of it and try to figure out how to keep them out.. but once that si done I get to start playing..

  11. KK, I can't believe you have a Racko game. I am going to look It up on E-Bay RIGHT NOW. I have to have It.

  12. KK, Got the 1956 Version with four plastic holders, and cards, with box etc. $16.44 What a deal. It was my favorite game. Rummy Royal also was a favorite.

  13. 1) Groceries

    2) Yes I do work at a grocery store with a lot of pressure.

    3) Roller Skates and my bike.

    4) The warm weather and being able to get out of the house to go for a nice long walk.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  14. 1) Smokes

    2) I work best when I'm focused..

    3) A yellow hot rod wagon with big wheels on the back and flames on the side.

    4) Reading a book on my picnic table with some good tunes.

  15. That is funny, Toad. My kids won't play it with me... They think I'm some sort of Racko savant. hahhaha. Mine must be a 60's version? Still the same equipment, though.

    I have the Trouble game, too... but no punching robots. That game belonged to the neighborhood boys I played with.

    $16? Crazy how games of the past have actually gone UP in price.

  16. KK, It was a little over $2.00 In the 50s. One of the listings had the old price tag on It. I think $16.00 including shipping of $8+ Is cheap. I am sure If they still sell It, surly It must cost more than $16 bucks?
