Friday, February 24, 2012

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend

We start and end the week with hugs.


  1. people must be sound asleep today.. It's Friday.. we're heading into town to try to figure out a house warming present for a good friend.. Spring is in the air, we even broke out the grill for the first time yesterday.. have a great weekend..

  2. For some unknown reason I woke at 4 am...WIDE AWAKE! Ugh

  3. Oh, I was up at 4:00...Sable was wide awake! Went back to sleep.

    Good morning all...have a great weekend. I'm off to Tampa for a wedding.

  4. I'm off today, sleeping in is wonderful!
    I did wake up at 4am with a headache, drugged up and back to bed before my mind knew I was up
    snow sure is pretty, since I don't have to go anywhere today :)
    Be safe out there and Happy Friday everybody!
    and cue Jed...

  5. Thank you Lizzy...I'm here for the rest of the week, be sure to tip the waitress.

    Don't we give out a prize for being 5th?

    I need to talk with the open blog commissioner again, dang it all.

    BTW, everyone have a P & P day and weekend.

  6. Have a great day everyone. Stay safe in the snow!

  7. 8th. What, no snow day? It was a mess out there early this morning. Hoping they have it more under control by rush hour. It was beautiful, clinging to the trees, though.

  8. Well,KK, it ain't clinging no more, you need a hard hat out there. lol

  9. What day is it? I've been sick with the stomach troubles again. Big time yesterday. I hate being sick. I'd rather be wounded. Pain I can take - sickness makes me a baby.

  10. Jed- I know what you are talking about. I went to pick Drew up at work and the snow it the top of the car and sounded like ice hitting the car.

    This morning was a mess. Down by 3 mile and N. Green Bay Rd a city bus was stuck in the ditch. After I took Drew to work I went straight to work. The roads were really bad at 5:30am.. I also seen a car in the ditch on Northwestern by Emmerston. I did get some really nice pictures of the snow on the trees in the afternoon. I will post them over the weekend.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  11. Orbs, sorry to hear you are still sick, hope you feel better soon!
    Food for thought: I wonder if you hugged a politician and you puked on the schmuck, you would feel better?

  12. Orbs, I hope you feel better real soon, I don't do sick or pain well.

    omg THB, that was my sister that was stuck! it shook her up for the rest of the day and she hadn't even begun the route, she actually was stuck on the stop sign (hooked into the gasket of the windows?) it took them over an hour and a half to get help to her, she was sure they would send the police to help direct traffic, but no, great company, hey?

  13. Thanks for the well wishes. Geez, I'm glad I missed the snow and traffic.
