Friday, March 2, 2012

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a long, yet productive week. Glad that Friday is here... Here are some random questions.

1) Do you know how to roller skate/ ice skate?

2) How often do you exercise?

3) What name do think is cool for a rock band? (Go ahead and think of one of your own if you want).

4) How much are you willing to pay for gas?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. Roller skate I did as a kid but havent done it in years, I've only been ice skating a few times in my life.. I'm really not a winter sport kind of girl.

    2. I try to do it a few times a week.. in the summers I'm active all the time, but until then I really struggle to keep myself active.. I use my Wii (anything so I dont actually have to go outside in the cold)

    3. dont really know.. never really put that much thought into it.. My husband always comes up with names he thinks is cool.. to me a name is a name.. I do know of some that are really lame though..

    4. we pay about 2-3times what you pay there in the US so I guess that much.. although we dont have a car here so the gas we use is not much (only when we borrow a car from the in-laws)

  2. Hey Drew, glad you had a P & P week.

    1. roller skate, skate yes I loved to play hockey or at least just fight, and even went to a hockey camp back in the day.
    2. My playing weight in college was I'm 178 so I guess i'm doing alright.
    3. How can you be any cooler than "Cool and the Gang"? Come on.
    4. Since I work doing renewable energy, I've been installing EV(electric vehicle) charging stations, so gas can go as high as possible. BTW... the charging stations I've put in operate on solar power, so you can't call me a hippocrite.

  3. 1. I did both although not in a long time. We used to go down to the ice rink on Hamilton Ave. which was always fun.

    2. I walk the dog 5 times a week so that is my exercise.

    3. Nothing can top the Beatles! :}

    4. Well, when I pulled in this morning I see it is up to $3.47. I have a 2000 Honda Civic with 48,000 miles on it. I'm the type that maps out where I need to go so I'm not wasting my time. Truthfully, I guess we will pay what they want.

    Thanks Drew!!!

  4. 1. Roller skate. Even roller skated across the stage to get my college degree.

    2. Better question is when I don't. I take off one day a week (sometimes).

    3. Rock Bottom Remainders (bonus points if you know them).

    4. Obviously if you are still buying it, you are willing to pay it. I drive my scooter a lot and when I got a new car in 2010 (after the old one was totaled) I went for a nice fuel efficient Honda Fit. Between these, I am affected less than most people.

  5. 1. Only on my ankles.

    2. When I reach for the handle on my recliner.

    3. Cream

    4. What choice do I have? If I am forced to drive, I will have to pay whatever It costs.

  6. FYI, I recently read that If you plan your trip, and only make RIGHT turns, you will save lots of gasoline. That Is how the UPS drivers are trained. After you think about this for a minute It will make sense to you.

  7. 1) As a kid, but not lately.

    2) Answering these questions is a workout for me.

    3) Hue Intensity and the Fleshtones.

    4) We've already paid for the gas many times over with the lives of our sons and daughters. It should be used to burn the politicians who send our children to their deaths for profit.

  8. 1. used to be able to do both
    2. does chasing my dog count?
    3. saw a cute one today of a local band. Dizzy miss Prissy
    4. I guess whatever they charge.. just hope it doesn't go up much more.

  9. 1. Both used to be one of my favorite things to do. Humble Park ice rink, every night.

    2. If 10,000+ steps on my pedometer yesterday (including a gross number of stairs) counts as exercise, then 5 days a week!

    3. Dismal success for my emo/metal/alt band? Dancing squirrels was the name of the rock band in the book I started to write... eons ago.

    4. Whatever they are charging; they have us hostage. I've been driving much, much less since the price went up.

  10. 1) Do you know how to roller skate/ ice skate?

    2) How often do you exercise?
    not enough, does getting up and going to the bathroom count?

    3) What name do think is cool for a rock band? (Go ahead and think of one of your own if you want).
    Chilly Willy and the Beat it Band

    4) How much are you willing to pay for gas?
    The government needs to step in NOW and get these price gouging asswipes in check!

  11. 1) I know how to roller skate not ice skate. I have not roller skated in since I was younger.

    2) In the summer going for long walks.

    3) How about the Bobble Heads.

    4) The price right now is really crazy. I wish they would make up there minds how much it is going to be. This up and down crap is enough already.

    I hope everyone has a good weekend with this weather. Stay safe!♥

  12. 1) Nope.

    2) I get more than enough exercise at work.

    3) Screamin' Cheetah Wheelies and Big Head Todd & the Monsters are some the more usual names in my collection. A friend of mine once played the bass for a band called the Killer Pigs from Hell.

    4) Do we really have a choice?

  13. I have a friend whose son's band was called Vomit.

  14. Day late and a dollar short!

    1. Been a long time, but yes, I do...and I loved ice skating.
    2. Daily if I can on my bike or at least a walk.
    3. Nothing comes to Mind...there, use that!
    4. As much as they charge if I want to go anywhere...I would prefer it be about $2.50 a gallon, but we have to pay what we have to pay thanks to OPEC.

  15. 1. used to roller skate but have little coordination left
    2. running around at work is plenty for me, love walking and met a neighbor thru Racine Uncovered, we plan on walking together when it gets nicer out
    3. how about 'whats the name of that band'
    4. willing - $1.50 or less, forced, whatever they charge, I just drive as little as possible, I've become accustomed to the life of a hermit except for work.. (or places on a whim with my sister or kids)

  16. 1. i still carry a skate key just in case...
    2. never.
    3. euripides pants (i think they were from austin)
    4. i don't think anybody's willing - but if you need it you will pay for it - whatever it costs.
