Friday, March 2, 2012

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend

I couldn't find a Marilyn Friday graphic, so I put my own together.


  1. still alive and here.
    I don't like this new commenting layout and the lack of emailing future comments :/ Anyone find a solution to this?

  2. Happy Friday :) starting the caffeine drip now!

  3. Happy Friday everyone. Yesterday we were at 80, today 56. Oh well. Did notice yesterday the trees are blooming and leaves are coming out. Only three weeks until spring!

  4. Thanks Anon...5th...yeah baby, Ms Froggy your're a wee bit off these days, No?

    Everyone, please have a P & P day.
    Why if Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him? You've got to ponder. lol

  5. It's a poopie day out there, time to hide in the house...

  6. Should be a nice weekend in the Old Pueblo. Of course, most days are nice from like October through May here.

  7. IDK... I kind of do care if Jimmy cracks that corn. ;>

  8. That Idiot over on FLICK'r finally put some new stuff up.

    What a waste of space!

    Who would want to read or see that tripe?

  9. If Jimmy cracks corn in the forest, and there is nowhere there to hear it, does it make a sound?

    I'll look at that unizexcar stuff later - gotta run errands for mom.

  10. Happy Friday!
    Looks like you are are in for some more snow!

  11. If you guys are snowed in, out on ustream the Decorah Eagles are back. There are 3 eggs in the nest. Just hit Pets & Animals and when you see the box for the Eagles click it. It will start showing the clip but if you click the box, you will get the information about them. On the bottom of the page is a video of a mouse getting in the nest (before eggs) and how fast dad was on it. Pretty amusing.

  12. It was coming down good (bad?) for awhile. I was out earlier and it was just damp. It changed quickly. I assume it was a nasty drive home, compounded by the fact that it's Friday.

  13. Check out ggodmuls' photostream:

    What were Bob and Melissa, Racine aldermen, doing in Sanders Park after closing time last October?

  14. Yea I was out in the sleet. We both had to work today and I had the car at work. When I got off work it was raining the when I went to pick up Drew the sleet was coming down. Then after we went to the bank we had to go and pick up my daughter from her friends house and on the way home it was the wet and heavy snow coming down.

  15. I did a brief drive after 4 PM in the downtown area. It was already a mess by then. Looks like it's let up for now.

  16. oRBSCorbs - Have you seen the TIF documents yet?

    Let me give you some links to look at, OR go to the City of Racine website, under HOT LINKS click on "Legislative Calendar" where you can see agendas and minutes.

    From the following documents I understand the following - and I may be wrong:

    Developers Incentitive = Cash Grant = Free Developer Money = Taxpayer Provided.

    The Taxpayer is giving $1.1M as a Developer Incentitive and an additional $160,000 for the facade.

    The current cost is subject to change, and that increases may be approved by a vote from the Common Council.

    SO - This TIF is a BLANK CHECK to DICKERT. It will be a CONDUIT to funnel taxpayer money to FOJ's and DEVELOPERS to do whatever Dickert can get away with - including Ice Skating Rinks for SWPL's and DRUNKFESTS!


  17. The TIF hasn't been approved YET - as far as I know - but they are asking for an ADVANCE of TIF funds!


    "Subject: (Direct Referral) Communication from the Director of City
    Development requesting an advance of funds from the
    Intergovernmental Revenue Sharing Fund to be repaid from Tax
    Incremental District no. 17 (Porters of Racine Building)."


    "Subject: Communication from the City Administrator requesting to
    present a recommendation to change the organizational structure of the
    City's management team regarding the positions of City Engineer, City
    Assessor and the Building Complex Facilities Manager."

    It's going to require several ordinance changes.

    If you live in Racine - you need to find out what is up!!
