Friday, March 30, 2012

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a long and a little bit of a crazy week. Just glad that Friday is here, so I can get some rest. Here are some questions for you.

1) What is your shoe size?

2) What kind of shoes do you prefer to wear?

3) Do you keep tabs on the British monarchy?

4) Do you respond to online or phone surveys?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. 10
    2. summer- barefoot or sandals, winter- boots and thick socks
    3. nope
    4. sometimes if I have time.

  2. 1) 12 hard shoes, 13 athletic shoes

    2) Athletic shoes ("tennies")

    3) No

    3) No. I did once years ago, and they added an answering service to my phone line that I had a hell of time geting removed. They kept saying that I signed up for it by agreeing to take the survey.
    So, no, nein, nevermore.

  3. 1. 10.5 wide

    2. Tennis shoes. I prefer New Balance.

    3. What the hell for.

    4. Nope. What the hell for.

  4. Hey Drew, thanks for the questions

    1. 10.5 Ya'll know what they say about shoe size or is that thumb size?
    2. Depends on the activity. Slip-ons if I need to get out in a hurry.
    3. What? I think Drew meant to ask something else.
    4. Sure I always try to cooperate, and I always answer the questions honestly. lol

  5. 1. 7 1/2
    2. I swear by my Reebok Princess athletic (tennis) shoes.
    3. Okay, yes I do. I LOVE pomp and circumstance.
    4. I did once and never never again.

  6. 1. 14-D

    2. Sneakers

    3. NO

    4. Rarely, I have NEVER gotten a political phone survey. I find that amazing.

  7. 1. I wear the box the shoes came in.
    2. invisable
    3. only if the girls in the monarchy are friendly.
    4. never, I am independant, cannot tolerate the democrats or republicans, they place their own scemeing agendas ahead of the country.

  8. 14-D, Toad? How tall are you? You must have trouble getting shoes because I have trouble with size 13.

  9. toad, 14 D ! I will save you some shoe boxes!
    The shoe size is the I.Q. of anybody on this site, good thing the multiplier rule applies.

  10. 1) 8 1/2

    2) No Shoes

    3) No

    4) No

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!♥

  11. 1) 7 1/2. I know, I 've got small feet.

    2) Tennis shoes, otherwise ii's socks around the house.

    3) Nope

    4) Nope

  12. 1. I have the smallest shoe size of all of you. Doesn't bode well for my I.Q.? They do say good things come in small packages? :o

    2. Love my Swedish shoes, but can't wear them at work. Has to be tennies, with all the walking. (running, today, good grief!)

    3. Zero interest

    4. Never. Makes me wonder about who is answering and the quality of any data they collect.

  13. 1. between 9 and 10...
    2. none or fuzzy slippers
    3. i have a hard enough time keeping tabs on me!
    4. I avoid anybody I don't know

  14. what Swedish shoes do you have KK?

  15. Only about 20 pair of birch clogs. hehehe

  16. about the I.Q.,you have to remember the multiplier rule.
