Friday, March 30, 2012

Open Blog - Friday & Weekend

Happy Friday!


  1. must reclaim my place!
    don't know if I'll see any of the following comments, but I'm making my presence known :)

  2. Glad to see you, froggy. I'll claim 2nd, but to me it is still Thurs. I'm off to bed and will catch up with you guys on Friday.

  3. Eek. Woken up by lightning, thunder, and hail.

  4. Dang 4th...Everyone have a P & P day. Speaking of lottery( we were, right?) All I ask for is a chance money can't make me happy.

  5. Jed - I had you beat. For some reason while at home I kept getting a "blogger error" message. What is up with that? Thank goodness for work computers. :}
    Have a great day and weekend everyone.

  6. OK Mary...give me my 5th back, I'm going to need it. lol

  7. I have to go to the Dr. to get my left ear cut off. I have MRSA, and nothing can be done. My eye socket on the left side Is next, and the jaw bones on that side after that. If I survive all of this, I am going to get one of those "Phantom of the Opera" type masks, for just one side. Kinda neat I think. Anyhow wish me luck, as I will need It at our Horse Clinic. Actually I am really going for a culture, and being the paranoid sucker I am, this Is what I see happening. LOL. Perhaps I am a few day's early? Is It April yet? I will let you know what grew In the Petri Dish.

  8. Toad, my neighbor has an ear that develops small spots of skin cncer. He goes in and they freeze them off.

    March showers bring April flowers.

  9. Orb's, Your neighbor probably gets too much sun? I HATE the sun. I try to stay out of It. RE: My ear. The Cartaledge Is all swollen, closing off my ear, preventing me from hearing very good out of that one. I don't know what's causing It, but hope this culture grows something other than Blue Cheese Mold, and I can get to the bottom of this. They keep dragging It out, because they think It's money In the bank. Hee, Hee. I don't have any, so they gonna be waitin.

    Mary, Thanks your a "Princess"

  10. Good Luck Toad I hope everything works out for you!♥

  11. Goodness, Toad. Hope your visit goes well and they figure this out. We really take our bodies for granted until they stop doing what should come normally. Hopefully, it won't be as severe as your "premonitions."
