Thursday, June 14, 2012

Four for Fridays

Welcome back to another Four for Fridays. I am posting this early because Tender Heart and I are going away for the weekend to a wedding up north. I hope you enjoy the questions this week!

1) What is the most hectic day of the week for you?

2) What is the best zoo you have visited?

3) Have you ever been involved in a wedding party?

4) What is your best memory of your father?

Happy Father's Day and enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. Mondays

    2. Wildwood Zoo, west of Minacqua

    3. Yes, two.

    4. My Dad loved Christmas, and it was always a special time with him. I will never forget the one year he received a wind up pig that walked and snorted. He laughed so hard. I will never forget how much that tickled him.
    Lost Dad 9 years ago this month.

  2. Drew, Your the MAN. You are one dedicated IRREGULAR.

    1. I no longer have hectic days, unless I have to leave the house.

    2. I think the Milwaukee Zoo Is about as good as It gets.

    3. Yes, many times, too many. Sisters, Brother, Cousins, Good Friends, and a Girl I was In love with that dumped me the week before the wedding. Still had to do the wedding though. It's funny, I just called the Bride last week just for grins. They have been married nearly 42 years. I asked about her sister, but don't think calling her would be a good idea? THANKS for asking.

    4. He was an amazing, kind man, something I never really learned. He didn't have an enemy In the world. I miss him a whole bunch. I was only 22 when he died.

  3. 1) It depends upon mom's situation. My days can get hectic when I have to do a lot for her.

    2) I've only been to two zoos: Racine and Milwaukee (when I was a kid). I'll say Racine Zoo out of hometown loyalty.

    3) Two: my own and best man in my best man's wedding. Both were pretty casual affairs.

    4) Getting hot bagels from a bakery on State Street on Sunday mornings. I was very young. My dad passed when I was 25. It's been a long time...

  4. 1. Right now? They are all grrrreat!

    2. I've been to the one in Washington, D.C., but we were so rushed, I couldn't enjoy it. I also went to the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago. I'd have to say the Milwaukee zoo is pretty good. They do a good job and things are laid out nicely.

    3. Yes, unfortunately. It is never fun.

    4. I lost my dad... good grief, 21 years ago. He was sick for a long time, and very sick at the end. I had to help my mom care for him and had to do all the transporting to and from doctors. I also had to help my mom emotionally through it. Dying sucks for everyone involved. Whenever I have a memory of him it is good, no matter what detail I'm remembering. I miss him.

    Happy Father's Day, pops! (and to all the dads out there!)

  5. 1. Tuesday, as kk's bedtime games are driving me to drink with jed.
    2. San Diego
    3. Plenty
    4. Too many to list

  6. 1. Monday's by far
    2. Does Shedd aquarium count?
    3. quite a few
    4. have none

  7. 1. Thursdays, when my husband works late so I have the girls all day.

    2. It's been a long while since I was at a zoo in the states other than Racine Zoo, but here in Sweden they have a good one.. Kolmården.. pretty cool but dang expensive to get into..

    3. Other than my own, my best friends and I will be in one this August when my husbands sister gets married.

    4. I have many, but one i think back to very often is when we were swimming and I got to hang onto him and he would swim underwater.. it was a lot of fun.. (this was before I could swim underwater on my own)

  8. Boy Drew, you are a real trooper. Thanks for getting the questions in early. Guess what, serious answers from me this week.

    1. Seems like all of them.
    2. I love zoos. I have been to so many, hard to say which was the best, they were all good. San Diego was good, DC was nice with the pandas and Lincoln Park in Chicago was free.
    3. Yes, a lot of them. I guess I was popular or maybe just available.
    4. Well, Imagine growing up, an only child, with a Marine and strict Catholic for a Dad. We had many "issues" but eventually he became my best buddy, probably because he mellowed out. KK, remember Elaines Dad? I lost him 15 years ago.

    I hope everyone enjoys the weekend.

  9. 1. Mondays
    2. Oklahoma City Zoo
    3. Yes
    4. Hard to say.

  10. 1. It varies way too much to give an answer on that one!

    2. San Diego. Predictable but true.

    3. Only one that I can remember (too young to remember being forced to be the little creep with the rings).

    4. My father is gay. After he came out, I went with him to a gay bar and told all his friends the story of when I first had a clue he was gay. I don't think I have ever seen him laugh more or harder in his life.

  11. Most days are pretty easy for me
    San Diego Wild Animal Park
    Hmmm.. would have to be going on a Harley motorcycle road trip with him when I was 14. Gone for 10 days.. was kinda cool

  12. 1) hectic day - no special day.

    2) best zoo - Milwaukee is the biggest one I have ever been to.

    3) wedding party - a few of them

    4) memory of your father - There were many, I can't just pick out one.

  13. Glad to see a good turnout this week!

    1) Fridays-payday with tons of errands

    2) The pandas, koalas and the Komodo dragon were all great to see at the San Diego Zoo.

    3) Was a best man in one and a groomsman in another.

    4) I'd say going canoeing down the Wisconsin River with him.
