Friday, June 15, 2012

Open Blog - Friday

Thank goodness it's Friday.


  1. Nommer een.

    Don't forget that tomorrow, Saturday, June 16, will be the Lighthouse Run:

    From downtown north to Four Mile Rd., and everything east of Main St., will be closed or jammed up in the morning.

    I hope it's not too hot for them.

  2. thanks for the warning, I'll just have to be a happy hermit tomorrow, I think I can handle that :)

  3. I can only hope everyone has a P & P day.
    Can someone explain to me why is it that when a door is open it's "ajar", but when a jar is open it's not "adoor"?

  4. Number 4 and Jed still beats me. Have a good one everyone!

  5. I will take Jed's fifth, and plead the same.
    Can a jar be adoorable?

  6. I claim the 5th. I woke up mad that someone had the nerve to use a weed whacker so early in the morning. It was 10am. Ahhhhh. Sleep.

  7. I've got 3 glasses, KK bring the meat tenderizer for the crushed ice.

    Doesn't "Expecting the unexpected" make the "unexpected expected"?

  8. kk, you have seniority, so I gladly will accept 5.1
    Jed, your pondering is making me ...........

  9. Does anyone know how to do a rain dance, or perhaps know a rainmaker? The ground is hard as a rock.

  10. Should we commission Mme Z? I'd like to see her get her groove on.

  11. Jed, You so correct. Interesting observation.

  12. Seniority no longer means squat. The unions can no longer support their members. I will stand in line with my meat tenderizing hammer and humbly request a meager pour. ;>

  13. I'm trying to send some rain your way! My sister says it's been so dry there. Rained here all day yesterday.

  14. kk and jed, I will gladly honor the meager pour with jed's 3 glasses, a fifth may be a good start. However, the meat tenderizing hammer has me a little concerned.

  15. kk and jed, I will gladly honor the meager pour with jed's 3 glasses, a fifth may be a good start. However, the meat tenderizing hammer has me a little concerned.
