Monday, June 4, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

Back to the grind.


  1. good morning everyone.. it's 7:30 here and we're almost out the door. Wednesday is Sweden's national day and also my husband's birthday. So today I'm hoping the weather cooperates (which it has not been doing for quite a few days now) so I can get out and cut the grass and weed whack and clean up the back patio.. If the weather does not cooperate (which seems to be the case so far this morning) then I will be indoors cooking.. either way my day is filled..

    The weather report is showing a high of 59 and rain, guess it will be cooking.. boo.. Well Wednesday is supposed to be sunny anyways and a high of 61.. I dislike the weather here in Sweden.

  2. Happy Monday - can only hope!
    Allergies dominated my weekend, so I stayed in the house all yesterday and went to bed quite early (even for me), and so far so good, I'm feeling more like me again :)

  3. I am up Drew went to work. I have to be to work later. I hope everyone has a great day. I guess that makes me third today!

  4. Goodbye cruel world? 5th, and I really need it. Sorry jed. I'll share.

  5. I'll take 6th. Why Not - I hope the weather gets better, it is June 4th. Have a good day everyone.

  6. SER, Are you "Off to join the Circus"

  7. That was "Goodbye cruel World" wasn't It. OOP'S
