Monday, June 4, 2012

Partial Lunar Eclipse Photos

I managed to get up this morning for the partial lunar eclipse. I didn't try to get up and see the whole thing but just took a few photos near the maximum eclipse (in which Earth's shadow covered about 38% of the Moon).
First picture is with my usual setup: a Canon Digital Rebel Xti and a 70-300mm zoom lens.
I also had my Galileoscope ready to go with a webcam attached (everything was set up in my living room the night before!) I snapped a few quick pics with it as well.
I didn't stay up too much after this. The Moon was getting low in the sky and I would have had to go somewhere else to keep taking pics as it was about to go behind some trees and a building. Nice event and can't wait for the next total lunar eclipse!

Reprinted with permission from the Half-Astrophysicist Blog.


  1. And tomorrow is the transit of Venus, right? Busy times for astronomers.

  2. Yes, that blog is coming! It's like March Madness for Astronerds.

  3. You get such great shots. Thanks for sharing them with us!
