Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Open Blog - Tuesday

Tuesday must be the day for romance.


  1. #1. Can't sleep. Damn neighbors and their freakin motorcycles!

  2. I'm up...
    Hope you get some rest, DodgBoy!

  3. Nightmares all damn night, that's why I'm up

  4. I'm cool with some romance! ;>

    Sorry, dodgeboy. Bad neighbors are the worst. I lived through some hell with them many years ago. Constantly barking dogs, grinding metal in the garage at 2am, loud parties and music, motorcycles galore... grrr.

    Where's jed????????????????????

  5. Your neighbors can afford motorcycles but can't afford mufflers, I believe the sound of a police siren behind the loud motorcycle is appropriate.
    Book'em Dano

  6. Maybe jed is becoming regular during the week, too.

  7. Here is some good news for me. Last week when gas prices were going lower, ours went up. From $3.17 to $3.33. Today its $3.10. No complaints here except for the 105 heat wave and I filled up on Saturday at $3.25. What can you do?

  8. I guess that makes me eighth today. I was up early to take Drew to work and then went and did some errands.

    Lizardmom- July is a busy month for us. Next week we have two concerts at summerfest, then the second week I do have my granddaughter and the third week we are going away for a few days. If you want to plan something for when I have my granddaughter that is fine. I just wanted to let you know.

    DodgeBoy- I do know what you are talking about. We have the same thing behind our place.

    Ser- Sorry to hear you can't sleep either.

  9. The sounds of summer: loud bikes and boom cars.

  10. In my case it's the sounds of the birds in the woods.

  11. I like waking up to birds. When I had a feeder at the old place, I had birds year round.
