Monday, June 25, 2012

Useless Information

Did you know:

One pound of body fat is 18% by volume larger then one pound of muscle.


  1. It's losing that last 10lbs. of belly fat that is proving to be the hardest!. I've been working out all Winter long and into the Summer and have lost about 35lbs - but this ring of fat just wants to stay!!!

  2. good job on the 35. exersize is the key...

  3. What's the ratio for fat vs. brain? I know some fatheads. I assume their heads are light.

  4. Orbs, this I have been told, long as we get that straight first.

    If a person is to fall and hit their head on the concrete for example, “fatheads” come out better; the fat absorbs the shock better protecting their little brain cell.

    Source: My feeble little brain cell told me that!

  5. What about muscle around the mouth? ;>

    Did you know that a woman's fat ratio (to be healthy) is higher than a mans? That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Besides, you need a little meat to hold onto.

    When you look at some of those charts.... they are ridiculous. I figure that I'll be nothing but bones when I die. So how healthy will that be???

  6. kk, Speaking of muscles around the mouth, it takes more muscles to frown than to smile, that is all I am going to say about muscles around the mouth
    Orbs, Fatheads? It takes no brains to be fat,I could go on and on.

  7. After reading legal's response to my comment... I think I need to clarify. I was referring to someone who talks a lot. Egad, the written word can easily be misconstrued!

  8. my doc wants me to go down to something like 185...WTF, I haven't been that small since high school. I would sick...

  9. Same here, SER. I don't complain about lower back pain to my doctor because when I do, he points at my gut.

  10. Dang Orbs we must go to the same doc. Lose weight, take all your pills, pay at the front desk and see you in 6 months.....

  11. Misconstrued? All I said was it takes more muscles to frown than to smile:>
    Even though this statement is an old wise tale, it bears repeating because nobody likes to see a looooong face.
    If you look at this page, you will see ser's and orbs icons has a smile.
