Friday, September 7, 2012

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to Four for Fridays after a busy, busy week! Worked so darn many hours that I'm beginning to wonder what rest is. Guess I'll find out this weekend... Here are some questions for you.

1) Would you rather go blind or go deaf?

2) How much change is in your pocket?

3) Have you ever saved a life?

4) What is your Zodiac sign?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. I guess deaf?? neither thank you, but the thought of not seeing my babies as they grow would hurt..

    2. no pockets

    3. I think so, hard to say what would have happened.. Ran into an apartment where an elderly woman was that was on fire (just a small one at that point) but she was refusing to get out and none of the neighbors noticed the fire, so could have been a lot worse.. we got her out and called the fire department..

    4. Scorpio

  2. 1. Since it appears to be happening, deaf...
    2. None
    3. My mother's in law. Called her from Mexico and she wasn't making a friend over to take her to the ER. Another day and it would have been curtains.
    4. Libra

  3. Drew... you feeling OK buddy?

    1. What did you say Drew?
    2. I don't use my pockets for change
    3. Yes, my own, on many occasions
    4. Ask KK, she knows everyone's sign

  4. 1. Actually I have thought about this, and I would rather be deaf.

    2. $2.40

    3. Yes. I saved a young girl that was run/falling down a very high stairway on a hiking trail at Pennisula State Park, back In the early 60s from running off the cliff, by standing with my huge body at the end of the stairs with arms spread out to keep her from going any further. I have no idea how far she would have rolled down the cliff? She bounced off, and fell to the ground.

    4. Taurus

  5. 1) I guess deaf, but really neither.

    2) None.

    3) I don't think so.

    4) Scorpio

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  6. 1. Since I'm already partially deaf in one ear I'll say deaf.
    2. No change but I just found a dollar.
    3. Just my own.
    4. Virgo

  7. 1) blind or go deaf? No brainer, deaf.

    2) change none. I empty in a peanut butter jar as soon as i come up here.

    3) saved a life? Yes, even made the Journal Times...I still have the artical.

    4) sign? Taurus

  8. 1. Deaf. I can learn sign language.

    2. none

    3. I don't think so...I have stopped to help many people in accidents or having health problems, but I don't think any of them were far enough along to say I saved a life (although I have made some lives easier).

    4. I will not even dignify that with an answer.

  9. 1. deaf, would be nice not to hear drama all the time :)
    2. usually none
    3. human - no, lizard - many
    4. don't follow that stuff, born the end of the year if it matters to anybody else :)

  10. 1. Gee. None of the above, please. They actually say it is easier to lose your vision. I don't buy that.
    2. None in my pockets. My wallet coin purse? Probably too many.
    3. None that are documented, but who knows? Kids can get very depressed and I've talked to many who were very serious and felt they'd rather end their life.
    4. I'm the fish. How glamorous.

  11. 1. I would rather not expierence either.
    2. lucky penny
    3. like jed, missed many opportunities including my own
    4. Gemini

  12. 1) As a person whom has severe hearing loss, I've learned to live with moments of silence. Losing my sight would be devastating.

    2) $.91

    3) I may have... Nothing spectacular. Recently, Tender Heart and I were driving home southward on the 894 Bypass when we noticed a drunk driver swerving all over the freeway. He went from nearing crashing onto the concrete barrier to hogging the center median, nearly sideswiping cars along the way. This guy was TANKED! I called 911 while Tender Heart and other drivers formed a blockade behind this guy (all with hazard flashers going) till the cops arrived.

    4) Gemini

  13. 1) Deaf, I guess.

    2) None at present. Sometimes, way too much - I have to tighten my belt to keep my pants up.

    3) I don't think so. I sponsored a kid in AA who was having a hell of a time. Today he has a career in the Coast Guard. But, as others have said, who knows how that would have turned out?

    4) Cancer.
