Friday, September 7, 2012

Open Blog - Friday

Enjoy your Friday.


  1. Number one!

    Thanks, Mme. Z., for sharing your virus with me.

    I got Aaron Rodgers in the Irregular League draft. I'm sure to mess that up

  2. Hello all, it's Friday and I'm not working, the girls are at preschool/kindergarten so I am taking the chance to get this house in order which has been getting away from me.. This weekend we are having a last grill out bash, so need to get this place in order.. Listening to U2 as I clean certainly helps move things along..

    well time to get back to work only have 2 hours left without the girls..

    good luck with your fantasy football, if I understood it I might have joined but it's way beyond my understanding..

  3. Morning all. Have a fun weekend.

  4. 4th, dang...Everybody have a P & P day and a C & C weekend. I'm hungry, you know when a clock gets hungry, it goes back four seconds. lol

  5. Ah, Friday. Over 100 today, down into the 50's by Sunday morning. Sweet!
    Have a great Friday everyone.

  6. that hottie Betty is back!!

    Have a great weekend kiddies..

  7. Oktoberfest in Germany may not have enough beer to serve during the festival. Apparently they don't have enough bottles for the beer and are asking for people to return bottles. Shocking!

  8. coming in late but still in on the day :)
    my head or the room around me has been spinning alot today, a girl I work with said it sounded like vertigo, never had it, hope not to ever have it again, not fun.
    Off tomorrow, sleeping in a little bit then lunch on the dump, it's always a great time (an annual thing they do for their 'neighbors')

  9. Lizardmom - you sure you don't have an inner ear infection?

  10. Lunch on the dump doesn't sound to appealing, if you hear me talking. lol.
    Mary, were you a doctor or nurse cause you always seem to know alot about medical thingies. I'm not a doctor, but I always wanted to play one on TV,

  11. I'm on day 8 of antibiotic and it can't get better quick enough. The doc said he is seeing a ton of ear infections for some reason. I have literally been a "dizzy blonde." Not fun.

    I hope Liz meant that the dump was paying for lunch, not that she had to eat atop the pile. :o

  12. they give a nice tour, it ends on the top of the nice grassed over area where they have the lit Christmas tree over my KFC, great view and good food

    if your ears have to hurt for it to be an infection, then no, but if not, it's worth calling Monday

  13. KK... if you need a doc, I can help, I worked with Dr. Welby, I work best with "dizzy blondes" BTW Hope you feel better.

  14. KK, Lm, Sheriff,Orbs... somebody help me learn how to post...if you guys want me to do that. I want one of those orange blog thingies and a pic next to me like ya'll do.

  15. Jed, we'd be glad to help you out. Basically, you send us a request with your email address, we add you to the author list on our end, which sends a confirmation email back to you. You click that link and you should be in.

    You can try again on your own, or we can figure out a time for us to do it in person.
