Monday, October 22, 2012

Open Blog - Monday

It would only be worse on Windows 98.


  1. Packers win, we grin.
    We're Number 1!

  2. missed the game, but really glad they won :)

  3. It was a great game! Have a quick Monday everyone.

  4. Windows appropriate!

    Hey, I am still around...just amazingly busy and traveling (as those with access to the logs can attest!)

    Will be back in Tucson soon and hope to get back in the groove. Love the new look, KK.

  5. Here is a scare. I had my windows open driving to work (its 74 here) and all of a sudden I hear a squeaking noise. Is it my car or the one next to me. As I pulled into the parking lot at work the other car was at the light. I just sat there and as the car took off from the light, a loud squeaking noise could be heard. Thank Goodness. I even turned down the Beatles Here Comes the Sun for that scare. Whew!

  6. I think Windows 95, 98, and XP are all better versions than what #7 gives me.

  7. 95 was the best... you could really play around and get it to do what you wanted. I'm still running XP. No need to rush into new systems, lol. I also use the Kindle silk browser.... would like to toss that in the trash. Crashes all the time, and is slooow to open certain pages.

  8. OMG, Charles Woodson is out for a while? Crimeny!

  9. I'm still running XP. I bought an upgrade to Windows 7 when it first came out, but I was waiting to put it on a better machine. For what I do, XP works great and is reliable.

    I read an article earlier today that says Windows 8 is radically different and may exasperate some customers. It's set up for touchscreens and I don't have one because I figure that's just more technology to go wrong You'll need your mouse to swipe pages along, like on a smart phone. It's their all-in-one operating system for phones, tablets, laptops,computers, and whatever.
