Friday, November 23, 2012

Open Blog - Black Friday

Who can get up and move after all that turkey?


  1. only my finger moved, shopped online for ME, and I liked it that way! Now to sleep - Christmas decorations are all up, only have the tree to do tomorrow (actually today technically...) after I get some sleep! So stuffed still!

  2. Yahoo! Happy Black Friday! Let the chaos ensue! May this be your blackest ever.

  3. Check'in in at #3 on this Black Friday.

    I sure hope we don't hear any whore (oops) horror stories of people getting nuts and fighting or worst over some darn gift.

  4. I’m outta touch but there isn’t any “gotta have” toys out there anymore are there; like in the olden days ‘Cabbage Patch Bolls’?

    I have the feeling items like cell phones or maybe the latest and greatest pair of sneakers.

    Wasn’t Swatch Watches one of them?

  5. Just read this on MSOnline.

    I just had a dumbfounding "Is this really happening?" moment while I was Black Friday shopping at Walmart in New Berlin about 9:30 p.m.

    We were searching the aisles for a $3.88 "Rival" stainless steel mini slow cooker and had trouble finding it, so we asked a worker. She pointed to a very small pile of kitchen gadgets on the floor right next to where she stood. At first, she said they were out. Then we both realized there was one left.

    "Oh, that's the last one!" she said.

    "Oh, great!" I thought.

    Not so fast. Another customer - a woman in gray coat about 10 feet away - overheard what the associate told me. As she saw me happily bend down and pick up the box, she swooped in. I already held the package in front of me with both hands, but she grabbed a hold of it and started wrestling to pry it out of my hands.

    I couldn't believe it and said something to the effect of, "Hey! I had it first!" but the woman was relentless. She wouldn't let go.

    She kept tugging at it. The worker stood by, stunned, then took a half-step forward and tried to get the woman's attention with a "M'am!" The woman was oblivious and kept pulling. It was like a defensive tackle trying to strip a football out of my hands.

    At that point, my hand was getting scraped on the box, and it just felt ridiculous to fight over something so petty. So even though it was rightfully my item to buy, I let go.

    The woman then wrapped her arms around it, like a running back with a football who anticipates a tackle, and literally ran toward the registers!

    We stood by in disbelief. We were all so astonished, all I could was to keep repeating, "I can't believe she just did that!"

    Hat's off to the Walmart associate, though: I could tell she was just as shocked as us and felt sorry for me. She disappeared behind a nearby shelf for a few seconds, then walked up to me with an identical slow cooker in her hand. I have no idea where she found it. She just said something to the effect of, "I don't know where this came from" and handed it to me with a knowing smile.

    All this over a $4 slow cooker!

    But there are much better Black Friday deals out there. What did you experience? What did you see? I'm curious to hear your Black Friday experiences.

  6. interesting.. I guess I just dont get the whole having to get out in the middle of the night for some savings.. it seems crazy.. mind you I enjoy my good deals as much as the next person, but would never battle large crowds in the middle of the night to get it..

    On another note.. I was typing in and I dont know what happened, I lost concentration and I only wrote I was directed to their site.. and I noticed their logo very strongly resembling our logo here..

  7. They have been talking alot about present of the year here, according to the "experts" here they believe that older technology is starting to take over again.. The biggest of them being records and record players.. The sales of vinyl records are up and many people have thrown their record players away so it's time for new ones.. but that is here in Sweden, I dont know if that is the same there..

  8. Why Not, you're right about the logo. KK designed it and very soon after these people stole it.

    The must be related to Dickert.

  9. This day is DARK... working a 16 hour shift. I hope no "store mob" related injuries coming in....well...on the other hand they may be more interesting than
    the flu, sore throats, vomiting,
    high blood sugar and the usual post glutton activities. I will see no one bit of sunlight today.

  10. Okay fine, I'll admit I'm off to do a little LITTLE shopping. Two stores that's it. Unfortunately one of them is at the mall. Yikes!

  11. I'm staying in where is warm...and SAFE!

  12. If it is so black out there.... why am I seeing flakes of white??? NO!

    I have to shop today. I need a red onion. I'd pay $5.00 to have one delivered. lol

  13. I do not do the Black Friday. I tried it one year and I went in the store and got what I went for and left. I went straight home and never did it again. The people just shove you around and I had one of my kids with me the people knocked her down. I shoved that person and told them what they did and they said so what. That just pissed me off and I wanted to punch that person but I stayed calm and walked out of the store.

    Today I do have to go and get my paycheck and do a little grocery shopping for my daughter before we take her back to school tomorrow. But that is all the shopping I will do today. We are also putting up our tree and decorations with her today.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  14. Mary's shopping report. Got to Bed Bath & Beyond, only delay was the guy in front of me had his card denied.
    Went to the mall, had a little trouble parking, got to Bath & Body Works and boom in and out. Granted I just went down one row in the mall but I'd have to say the parking lot looked more crowded than the mall.

    I will say this, I wish yesterdays weather was still around (75) compared to 53 and a nasty north wind today.Brr.

  15. I'm still belching my Thanksgiving pizza.

  16. pizza sounds wonderful but I'm still full... maybe tomorrow? :)

  17. Okay, so I shopped.. online. No black Friday deal, just found a nifty gift. I succumbed.

  18. Oh where is legal stranger? Haven't
    seen his 2 cents worth in days?

  19. Shopped the stores after 7 pm that priced matched their competition.
    Worked well, no crowds, no hassles, free from the crazy public fighting for the remaining advertised sale items. Carried the sales flyers of the competition into several stores to get the deals without stress.
    After reading all the typo's on this site today, i leve u wit dis.
    ful tummy make 4 bad tiepyng

  20. I am not diametrically opposed to shopping on Black Friday. Our economy can use all the help that it can get. I remember the excitement of buying gifts in old downtown Racine a long time ago. I've grown less and less tolerant of crowds and noise as I've grown older.

    I prematurely celebrated Cyber Monday by ordering a new monitor for myself online this past Tuesday. I'm afraid that the one that I'm using won't last much longer. It's an old flat panel that throws off enough heat to fry an egg. I also have to hit it, hard, on occasion, to make the screen light up.

  21. I was damn near dead, after being on my feet In the kitchen forever. BTW, I have finally had enough with the Turkey weight bullshit vs. cooking time. I personally think If you took a 15 pound Butterball, and weighed It before you took the fucking (I still love that video) thing out of the bag, and once again, with all the stuff, they stuff into them, and leave on (like that great big lump of whatever It Is) the Turkey would weigh 3 pounds less? A fifteen pound Turkey Is supposed to take nearly 4 hours In a 325 degree oven. Why did It only take 2 and a half? Plus I had two of them In the oven.

  22. Toad, two in bed are always warmer than one. ;>

    Butterball (and many others) inject liquid into their birds. I thawed mine in the fridge as they recommend, and couldn't believe the liquid I drained off. I use that junk they stuff inside, along with onion and parsley, to make a broth for the dressing. It is way more flavorful than purchased stock.

  23. "two in bed are always warmer than one"
    Some of you have never experienced "freezer burn" in bed.
