Friday, November 23, 2012

Four for Fridays

Hello everybody! Welcome back! Sorry a little late....Wanted to to stay cozy and warm in bed on my day off. You know how it is.... Anyways, here are some questions for you.....

1) When was the last time you did volunteer work?

2) What is the most played song in your music library?

3) What exotic pet would you like to have?

4) What do you have that is of great value to you but of no value to anyone else?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Glad you were able to loll in bed, Drew. Feels so good some times. I'll go first.... These are really hard questions.

    1. It has been a long time. I have numerous awards and certificates for the number of hours volunteered in the past. I miss it. It is the right thing to do.

    2. This one threw me, it certainly is not a favorite. I opened up Windows Media Player (they have an auto count) The song most played is by APC. It is rather dark and angry. Must have hit a cord during a rough patch.

    3. None. I'm not a fan of cleaning up pet poop, if I had another pet, it would be a little (purse) dog.

    4. Lots of dumb stuff, mostly things from my mom and dad. I was really struck by this as I cleaned out my parents home. All the things they saved and cherished over the years that really only had meaning to them.

  2. 1) I did help at the hospital in Shawano for the blood bank and I also helped at my mom's homemakers club.

    2) You know how much music Drew has here and that is a really hard one to answer. Some of the cd's he does play a lot more than others.

    3) This one I don't even know what it would be.

    4) My Christmas village. It is very special to me because my kids keep adding to it every year. That is why it means so much to me.

    I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and I hope you have a great weekend!


  3. 1) When was the last time you did volunteer work?

    Still doing it, as I have for the past 17 years.

    2) What is the most played song in your music library?

    Sting..."Brand New Day"

    (posted a few lines so you know what I'm talkin' about.)

    How many of you people out there
    Been hurt in some kind of love affair
    And how many times do you swear that you'll never love again?

    How many lonely, sleepless nights
    How many lies, how many fights
    And why would you want to put yourself through all that again?

    "Love is pain," I hear you say
    Love has a cruel and bitter way
    Of paying you back for all the faith you ever had in your brain.

    3) What exotic pet would you like to have?

    I would like one that is about 6 ft., possibly blonde ,brunette or red head and that I could keep in a cage....thus cannot stray like some tom cats I have known.

    4) What do you have that is of great value to you but of no value to anyone else?

    Pictures and things that belonged to my deceased son.

  4. 1) I volunteered in AA, but not lately.

    2) I don't know. "Gotta Get Away" by the Offspring?

    3) A miniature money-pooping lizard.

    4) My nursery spade. I used it in about 90% of my work. It's worth its value as a spade, but it represents much more to me.

  5. ORBS...

    If I were you I would get a BIG lizard that poops put BIG money.
    And I "dig " what you say about your spade...

  6. 1. Been too long

    2. I listen mostly to Pandora or 1029 the hog online.

    3. I've always wanted to cuddle with a lion.

    4. Probably my 10s of 1000s of pictures.

  7. 1. Ashamed to say as it has been too long.
    2. Lately, it's He Stopped Loving Her Today by George Jones.
    3. None. A psycho dog is enough for me.
    4. You got me on this one Drew. A few weeks ago I was organizing cupboards and found my dads old percolator coffee pot. Amazing the stuff we keep.

    Thanks Drew!

  8. oh Orbs, you have me laughing so hard! if they pooped money, I'd have been rich a long time ago, they're pooping machines but nothing of value coming out... yikes!

    1. volunteering - can't remember when, but helping people, alot more frequently
    2. Good Morning by Mandisa
    3. hmm, if I already have exotic, do I have to pick something 'normal'? in which case, barring my horrific allergies, I would get a dog in a heartbeat! I'd actually kidnap my neighbors pitbull, she's my buddy
    4. MY TIME, my sanity and sleep, little value to anybody but me

  9. 1) I did some volunteer work for a retirement home while in high school.

    2) Hard one for me to say seeing that I have sooo much music... I know I played the hell out of "Clockwork Angels" by Rush when it came out.

    3) I like to fancy the idea of being a falconer. Having a Merlin seems cool.

    4) Probably my music collection.

  10. BLB and lm, a big money-pooping lizard might be scary, and more hassle than a miniature one. No need to be greedy. There's plenty of poop for everyone.

  11. I'm a bit late, but the Holiday Season does a job on my mind.

    1. Thursday. I cooked Thanksgiving for the 39th time.

    2. Color My World (Chicago)

    3. Male Lion

    4. My Witt (this time)

  12. KK, Do you mean ABC, or APC, as In an uninteruptable power supply?

  13. 1) When was the last time you did volunteer work?
    It’s been so long I can’t remember

    2) What is the most played song in your music library?
    Lady in Red

    3) What exotic pet would you like to have?
    I’m not a fan of pets; although I did have a Manx cat once. Their back legs are longer then their front. Archibald could sit next to the kitchen counter and spring up and be on top on the top of count in a flash; he would look at you like “what”, just yell at him and he would jump down a walk away like, ha ha, I pissed you off!

    4) What do you have that is of great value to you but of no value to anyone else?
    Black Hills Gold ring. My dad and step-mother bought it for me almost 40 years ago and I never take it off.

  14. 1. I'm an active member and treasurer of Friends of The Library.
    2.nothing at the moment.
    3. None. Most of those guys scare me.
    4. My reputation.

  15. I'm late to this party:

    1. Been a few months for the public, always volunteering for the family.
    Volunteered to help for the end of the world party at BL Basketcase"s on the 21st. of Dec. of which all JTIrr's are invited.

    2. with the end of the world fast approaching,..... Ball of Confusion..... of course

    3. If I lived by the ocean, Flipper

    4. My Google law library
