Friday, November 23, 2012

"Shop Local on Small Business Saturday"

From Caledonia Patch:

"Big name national retailers take the spotlight on Black Friday as their deep price cuts pull in shoppers in droves.

"What about those mom-and-pop businesses all over the Racine-area and beyond that are the backbone of America’s economy? Just when do they get their day?

"That’s basically the question that was asked back in 2010 when the concept of Small Business Saturday was born."

Read more:

I irregularly patronize Top Dog Hot Dogs and Kewpee's, both locally owned and operated.


  1. I believe in patronizing local business and I also believe there should be a give and take.

    Let’s not kid each other; Kewpee’s has done extremely well from the people of Racine. I have been to many many fund raisers and I have never seen a gift certificate from Kewpee’s!

    Is it none of the fund raiser have ever asked them or is it they just don’t donate? I would like to know the answer to that.

    If they are unwilling to help out people and not donate, I see no reason why I should help them grow their business!

  2. Dairy Queen once gave me a free meal on Veteran's day. That has been repaid several times. Applebee's, not so much. Farm and Fleet always gets my business. Tomorrow it will be just too damned cold to go out. Sorry

  3. I saw a news segment on this last night. They were trying to say that you can get better deals at small custom boutiques vs. big box stores. I have yet to see that.

    Ferrraro 's pizza gets my business more than I care to admit.

  4. "Is it none of the fund raiser have ever asked them or is it they just don’t donate? I would like to know the answer to that.

    If they are unwilling to help out people and not donate, I see no reason why I should help them grow their business!

    WOW~! Are you rough!!! Ever been in business? Especially a resturant business? What do you think is the profit margin on those burgers? You do realize that ONLY Mayor Dickert can operate at a LOSS and call it a PROFIT by raising taxes.

    Sure, Kewpees can charge whatever they like - and get NO BUSINESS. IF they are going to give them away - then the loss must be made up elsewhere! AND, how many charitable organizations does Racine have? That don't pay taxes and demand services? That apply for GRANT money?

    How about YOU buy a gift certificate from Kewpies and give it away- to keep them in business.

    Some of you HAVE NO CLUE!

    Kewpies - Located at 520 Wisconsin Ave. Assessed value: $382,000

    2011 Taxes Paid: $10,851!

    THAT has to be paid FIRST! Kewpees, unlike many of the deadbeats Downtown - is faithfully paying their taxes.

    I bet you that between high energy prices, outrageous property taxes, input costs, insurance and employees - it is getting to the point where it is no longer a joy to own and run that business - and let's face the facts - if they go out of business - who would buy it?

    IF you buy it for what it's assessed at - that cost has to go into the product price also.

    Yeah, must be good to have lived off the fat of the land, never been in business,, and been paid from the sweat off of other people's backs.


  5. BTW - how many days did YOU work for free?

  6. Just like my Old Man! Retired at 55 with a big fat gov't pension - yet always wanting that FREEBIE! Gimme a handout! It's the way of gov't workers.

    Drives a Lincoln - lives in a huge house, a month in Florida every year, vacations, eats, drinks and always has his hand out for the Freebie!

  7. Wow. I just buy their burgers because I like them.

  8. WOW…TSE, that one really blew your skirt up!

    The restaurant, bar and car business is highly competitive. If you would like to start a new business you need about 3 years’ worth of cash squirreled away that you can live on.

    Donating is a tax write off for businesses, same as you taking your wares to Goodwill and deducting it from your taxes. It’s a known fact in business, if you want to make money, you have to spend money!

    Yes I have worked for free, not on a full time bases, and I also worked for ‘room & board’ 3 months a year when I was in high school. I worked on the farm and loved it, cash didn’t mean anything, learning did, and I have to admit they took good care of me.

    Oh taxes….don’t even go there, when I was working I paid between $28,000 and $30,000 federal and state tax each year, but I had a good job.

    The only thing I really donate is if you go to the Piggly Wiggly there are bags of food in the front of the store; you can buy one for $10.00 ea. and put it in their donation containers. I buy those. Oh…and the frigg’in lottery.
