Saturday, December 15, 2012

Open Blog - Weekend

You, too.


  1. Wake up everybody days a waste'in

  2. People that get weekends off are very lucky.... THIRD!

  3. I'm up, I'm up.... LOVE the weekend. Whomever invented them was a genius!

    Oh, a number 4 weekend setup to another irregulars claim to the 5th.

  4. I'll take the 5th and any other 5th that is available. Happy Saturday everyone.

  5. Whoever brags about weekends off.... oh shuddupppp.. : )

  6. I'm getting the hell out of town, and away from the TV. I will go Into permanent shock, If I continue to watch the CT. story. I still an just sick from this story. I cannot imagine the parents, and the probable thousands of relatives affected?

  7. Toad, turn off the TV. I got overload on 9/11 watching all the news. None of the talking heads has any more of an answer than we do.

  8. Orb's, Your so right. BTW. The Train e-mail was a GREAT message, and very pertinent to the news. I do owe you, and you may not know It, but I have one of those cars. NOW, It's In my SAVE box. They were all GREAT. Thanks so much.

  9. The news media continues to cover the heinous crimes in Conn. and place the so called experts on the air just for ratings. These pathetic educated idiots continue to spew their private agendas on the TV audience, saying nothing of value.

    The more the news broadcast this as headlines, the higher the chances of copy cat acts.
    We must find a way to get the news published without the sizzle so we may not incite others to follow.

    We live among-st an instant gratification, self centered , or mentally sick society, with no consideration to the other parties involved. These crazy people left unchecked by families and governmental agencies place a huge toll on the public.

    With the intent of creating safer public places, we have created free kill zones with no chance of intervention by moral and law abiding armed citizens. By doing so,we are placing our communities at a higher risk for high mortality counts when these nut-bags decide to strike.

  10. I agree with you on what your saying Legal but I do have to say this. They did as most tactful reporting tonight on how those kids were shot. I'm sure that will change though.
    It was the first time that I can remember where I saw a number of anchors breaking down. Me included both yesterday and today and in the days to come.

    And Toad, Orbs is right in saying turn it off. You have to get away from it for a while.

  11. Just reflecting today on the current events, the upcoming dilemmas, and the way things are now.

    So many horrific things have already taken place that are so heart wrenching. Most of us just feel so terrible over EVERYTHING! Every one of us is, at least, effected in some way or another.

    It is so important to show appreciation and love to others during this time. This is a very different world with many uncertainties.

    A comforting prayer of St. Francis
    for you to enjoy.

    Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
    Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
    Where there is injury, pardon.
    Where there is doubt, faith.
    Where there is despair, hope.
    Where there is darkness, light.
    Where there is sadness, joy.
    O Divine Master,
    grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console;
    to be understood, as to understand;
    to be loved, as to love.
    For it is in giving that we receive.
    It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
    and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.

  12. That was beautiful, BLB.

    My T.V. has been off, except for the 5:30 nightly news. The speculation, the interviews with grieving parents,the repetition of footage are for media profit and are not going to change a thing or undo this horrific act. Say a prayer, have a quiet moment, but turn the media off.

    Working in the schools, I know any of our staff would put the kid's safety first. We have drills that will make the hair on your arms go up each and every time. This is something constantly in the back of our minds as we walk into our workplace, knowing it could happen at any time.

    Arming teachers, as some have suggested, is ridiculous. Nothing will stop a deranged person from doing something like this. We need better gun control. Period.

  13. Reminder to all JTI's


    Begins Friday @ dusk , 12/21/12
    Party ends with the end of the world, or dawn the following morning for survivors, with breakfast provided.
    Food and beverages are provided.
    Snacks and deserts provided.
    Costumes are optional.
    A dish or beverage to pass is optional, but encouraged.
    A white elephant (grab bag) present is optional, re-gifting is encouraged at this party, the hokier the present the better, so are clean dumpster diving gifts. ( Remember… this is an End of the World Party)
    Bon fire provided along with 2 metal campfires on the patio.
    Party is both inside and outside…. so dress accordingly.
    Looking forward to seeing you !!!! DON’T BE TOO LATE!!

  14. Remember fellow JTIrr's, The End of The World Party is a celebration of life, family and friends. We can all agree to disagree, and still enjoy the company.

  15. We all have a moral duty of self survival. We can try to change the world to be a better place.. but there will still be crazies out there. Take a break in your own mind and do something... Turn off the TV. Find peace.

    Everyone has such great comments here on this site. We are allowed to say it here for the most part.
    Yes... agree or not....
    We all have similar needs and agree
    to celebrate what we do have.

    Nicely stated, Illegal.

  16. Don't take my statement wrong. While I've been very open about not being a fan of them, I do understand (the want/your need) to own them.

    However, this child should NEVER have had access to his mother's weapons, especially since his mental state had been in question. I also find it hard to understand the need for automatic assault weapons in the hands of private individuals.

    The loopholes for unsafe sales, "loose" ownership and access to them by convicted felons needs to be seriously looked at. Control does not need to mean prohibition.

    Just my opinion... and yes, thanks for disagreeing nicely, Legal. We can always disagree without closing the door to our friendship. Listening to each other is the way we learn.

  17. Tis the season to be nice :>

    I have received a grand total of one request for food......... Tiramisu

    Request granted as a dessert, not a main course ;)

    Any other special request should be brought to my attention before Weds.

    5 days and counting to the

  18. buffalo steak

  19. Kemosahbee, me no have buffalo for buffalo steak, but me try the Road Kill restaurant for some.

    Me hope you mean chocolate truffles, white alba truffles cost big money, me find chocolate truffles for you.

    Kemosahbee, me hope you no run into the spelling sheriff, Me still in big trouble with spelling sheriff and self appointed deputy. Caviar, me hope you like salmon caviar. Black sturgeon caviar from Russia cost big money.

    How bout sardine and oyster ?
