Friday, December 14, 2012

"Prayer vigil at Monument Square Sunday"

From The Journal

"The Racine Interfaith Coalition will hold a prayer vigil in memory and honor of the lives lost and those who mourn over the school shooting in Newtown, Conn. It will be held at 6 p.m. Sunday at Monument Square."


  1. Of course I cannot be there, but my heart Is certainly with the 26 Innocent victims, of this madman. It Is affecting me terribly, but out of all the madness comes the story of the Kindergarten Teacher that heard "pops" and gathered her 5 year old students, as practiced, to a safe corner, and calmly read a story to them.

    The Teachers story makes me think of all the people that complain how much our teachers cost us In taxes. This ONE act, all by itself has caused me to count my blessings, that teachers are much more than just teachers. While our children are In their schools, I can only imagine ALL of the teachers would do as this fine teacher did. Protect our Children, and Grandchildren. Let us hope we NEVER have to endure what the people of Newtown, CT. are enduring.

  2. Maybe there should be a national sanity exam: If you exhibit symptoms of mental illness or don't take the test, you can't purchase a gun.

  3. Thank you, Toad for remembering the care, love and guidance that those who work with children deliver every moment while on the job.

    I feel like the world continues to become more and more evil. I can't even turn on the news. There is no understanding this.

  4. Orb's, That's not a bad idea. I am personally "Depressed" and of course that is not a good thing, but this whole thing goes far beyond depression. This kid knew "RIGHT from WRONG" I don't care what anybody says.

  5. National sanity exam could be a good idea.
    Could also be used on government employees in elected or appointed office, about 80 % would flunk after the first question, but would remain in office anyway,with the remaining 20 % haveing to put up with the other 80% that are derelict, incompetent, corrupt or are just assholes.

  6. There's already a Wikipedia entry on the shooting:

    What a fucked up world, every day made worse by lying, thieving "leaders" who loot the citizenry while "leading" us into more death and destruction. C'mon, "leaders." LEAD! Tell us, oh lying John, what we should do about this. Fucking maggots leeching off of the blood of decent people. They "lead" us into hell.


    I am considering taking the time to not only join in the prayers, but to challenge the prayer participants to actively hold accountable our public serpents for their criminal acts and TREASON.

    Prayer is a tool we can use to fight these evil parasites, but we must also take direct action to cleanse our society of the immoral public serpents.

    We have inept, derelict, corrupt officials in all branches of government. They continue to conspire and undermine the stability of our society.

    When are we going to hold U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and his criminal bunch accountable for the murders with the Fast and Furious scandal?

    When anybody knowingly sells firearms to drug dealers for the purpose of illegal acts, they should be placed in jail for life.

    We cannot expect the loose cannons in our society to act appropriately when our Pagan public serpents are actively, publicly engaging in lies, immoral, criminal acts and systematically fueling the destruction of our moral fabric.

    Both love and action are needed to stop this decay of our society.

    Is the public going to just read and complain or do something about it?

  8. If people want a gun...they will get it anyways. They do not care if there is stricter gun laws...they will get it somehow.

    Anything COULD help in a certain instance. I'm sure there is no exam
    that would be foolproof. Then lawsuits could be open over the test not being effective.

    My point is...this is still going to happen somewhere no matter what
    laws are made, no matter what changes are done, etc.

    That is just the way it is.
