Saturday, April 28, 2012

"Help Positively Racine Day on Friday"

From The Journal
"RACINE — The A Team for Leadership Racine is sponsoring the Positively Racine Day on Friday.

"A presentation by Mayor John Dickert and Racine County Executive Jim Ladwig, including reading of a state proclamation, will begin at 5:30 p.m. at Monument Square, Main and Sixth streets, during First Friday.

"The team will distribute wristbands to encourage Racine residents to talk positively about the city. Bands are also available at McAuliffe’s on the Square, O & H Bakery and Educators Credit Union on Spring Street.

"A banner will be available for people to sign pledging to talk positively about Racine."

I think that's great. Should we report someone if they sign the banner pledge and then speak poorly about Racine?  Who do we report them to?

Friday, April 27, 2012

"Hilarious experiment on Monkeys on Fairness"

As "a monkey in a cage" myself, I can empathize with these guys.

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! Welcome back to another weekly episode of Four for Fridays. It's been a long and exhausting week of working overtime. Barely can keep my eyes open. Anyways, here are some questions for you...

1) Have you ever wondered what a baby is thinking?

2) What the most hours you have ever worked?

3) What place has the best service? (Restaurant, store-anywhere)

4) What is your favorite dessert?

Enjoy your weekend!

Open Blog - Friday

I think I know some of those cats. 

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my magnificent magnolias!  How are you?  The splendiferous show of spring marches on.  More and more trees are budding each day.  Daffodils and tulips are everywhere.  I like the colors of fall, but not as much as I like the blooming of spring.  So beautiful, so vibrant, so full of life.

The big news locally, of course, is the settlement of the Mr. Mayor Dickert slander suit.  The trial was scheduled to start next week.  Instead, a confidential agreement has been reached.  Madame Zoltar knows all and sees all, but I also honor the law and will not reveal any details of the settlement.  I am glad that the lawsuit has ended.  It was tawdry to have our mayor’s soiled linen aired in public like that.  It would be nice if for once in Racine there wasn’t some political or business leader being sued or prosecuted or investigated or arrested.  We are far too small a town to host such a large ensemble of major misfits.  Oh my.

Down from one soapbox and onto another.  Did you know about this?  Every day kids come up with new ways to alter their consciousness.  It’s demon alcohol, but in a new form:
I’ll never look at a bottle of hand sanitizer the same again.  I was at a store and a kid by the shopping cart rack and sanitizer dispenser was staggering.  What’s the matter with this younger generation?  Why can’t they do it the way we did it?  Get someone to buy/steal beer for you and drink it.  Puke.  Repeat.  That’s normal.  That’s what real American kids do. 

Finally, my dears, have you heard about the DNSChanger malware?  You can read about it here:  And you can find out if your computer has it and get rid of it here:

My, what a world we live in.  Danger all around us.  Except here.  Here at the JT Irregulars, I feel safe and loved.  That comes from you, my dear, dear readers.  You provide the love which propels me forward in this cruel world.  Thank you so much for that. 

Personal malware?  Find out here:

Thank you so much for reading my blog.  Have a wondrous week, each and every one of you.  I love you all.  Enjoy the weather and keep thinking, “No frost.  No frost.  No frost.”  Fabulist!

Root River Revitalization

This is a local blog produced by a local person who is dedicated to Racine and to Root River.  A couple of people have recommended this blog to me.  It was added to the JTI's blog roll on the sidebar awhile ago.

From the "About" section of

"My Blog site to talk about the Root River Revitalization effort in Racine WI. All views/thoughts/opinions are my own. Your mileage may Very.

"This site is for entertainment value in the hope of get all of us who come here to think about the Root River and the role fresh water plays in our life

"Warning this is not a PC Blog"

Not a PC blog?  Does that sound familiar?  Check it out:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"New-John Dickert’s Attorney states lawsuit has been settled"


"CCAP records show that the attorney’s representing John Dickert have notified the Racine County Circuit Court that on April 23rd a settlement has been reached. CCAP records show that Atty Tokarz (attorney representing John Dickert) calls to advise that a settlement has been reached will follow up in writing. CC from Dickert’s Atty advising that settlement has been reached. All trial dates have been canceled of CCAP. The lawsuit was filed in February of 2011 after John Dickert allegedly call Bill Bielfeldt and embezzler and that is why he was fired. This was stated during a Mayoral Candidate interview on WRJN in which other Mayoral Candidates appeared. It was scheduled to go to trial next week. The City of Racine was recently dismissed from the case and the judge ruled that the City did not have any part of this lawsuit that it had been filed against John Dickert. More on this story as it develops"

More twists and turns.  This is the Bielefeldt lawsuit that has been settled?  (Stan Marsh voice;) Really?

Monday, April 23, 2012

"Birth To 12 Years Old In Under 3 Minutes"

"A father films his daughter once a week from birth till she is 12 years old. Great idea for anyone who is about to have a baby."

I Am Going To Have A Second Grandchild!

Yes this is a little late in posting. I found out the Saturday of Easter that my sons girlfriend is three months pregnant again.

When my son called to tell me I told him he better not be joking around with me. He said mom I am serious about this, he says I am not joking around with you. I said I am happy for both of you. Then I said Skylee will only be a year old when this baby is born. He said yes I know that mom. When his girlfriend was pregnant with Skylee they told  the Grandma's first and this time they told the Grandpa's first. We are very happy for my son.

When I told Drew this he said to me WHAT! With his eyes wide open. I told him yes and we sat and talked about this for awhile. Yes Grandpa Drew is going to have another Grandchild too.

It was like it really didn't hit me when my son told me about the baby at first. It took a couple of days to actually sink in my head. I don't know why it really didn't hit me at first. When he called me I had just gotten off of work and I was really tired. That may be the reason it really didn't hist me. But when it did I was like really happy.

I don't know how the other grandparents feel about the new baby. I hope they are not yelling at the kids about this. I know my sons girlfriend has to be really careful during her pregnancy because she was having problems when she was pregnant before. There is nothing we can do about this my son is so happy he is going to have another child. 

In July I am going to have my granddaughter down here for a few days. I am watching her so my son can go to Rock U.S.A.. I can't wait to see her and spoil her while she is here.

Open Blog - Monday

Monday is the beginning of a new story.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Backyard Turkey

From TSE:

"Here is a turkey that was in the backyard in Mt. Pleasant the other day."

Useless Information

Did you Know:

In the game of Hockey a term called “Face off” was originally called “Puck off”?