Monday, January 28, 2013

Find the Cat

No trick - it's there among the junk! Find the black & white cat, then send this puzzle along to annoy your friends!

It is there walking in plain sight.

PLEASE.... do not post the answer!


  1. Click on the picture and you'll get a larger copy of it.

    It’s there, I found it but I cheated. I opened the picture in “Paint” and double the size of it

  2. It took me a minute, but I found it... Remember SER, I have those "wildlife" eyes trained to spot camouflaged animals!

  3. I found it, but I cheated, too. I Googled it.

  4. I have seen junk yards like this before... they always have pussy cats hanging around.

  5. I found it without cheating. Has Google broken our honor code?

  6. I had to google it as well. But I found it.

  7. found it without cheating too..

  8. I CAN'T FIND IT!!! Damn you! And I won't cheat.

  9. I thought for certain, I would find It, but it looks like my eye's are not what they used to be, or I just don't care? I did however see dog's and monkeys.

  10. Toad: Are you finding that you are seeing dogs and monkeys in general with more frequency? ;>

  11. I finally found that little shit. I'm not so sure I would have found It If not for ZOOM. I don't know where this pile of stuff It, but I think I saw a Dumore Drill Unit In the pile.

  12. KK, I like that comment. I just happen to really like Dog's and Monkey's, and Cat's, and Owl's, and Male Lions, and on and on. Kinda like Efalumps too.

  13. Try Googling birds hidden in woods... Now that's tricky without an extension cord!

  14. Lol, toad. I like efalumps too, its the woozles that give me the creeps.
