Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday



  1. Here is something we don't do very often - turn the air on in January. It was 78 in the house last night and 68 outside.
    Thundering now. Sweet!
    Have a good day everyone.

  2. It was thundering here this morning...I heard a big CRACK!
    Woke me up out of a sound sleep
    and I said "LORD JESUS... is there an explosion?" And then I heard the rain comin' down like cats and dogs hitting my roof....Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!

  3. I just had something weird happen. I got my new credit card in the mail last night and called today to activate it. Usually you call the number and it's done. This time they wanted my bank routing number. I said my bank has nothing to do with my credit card and would not give it. I know the routing number isn't my account number but why the heck do they want my bank info?
    It's bad enough that when you do a search for an item that for the next few weeks ads for that item keep popping up. Big brother watching everything. I don't like it.
    Okay, I'm done.

    1. That is very strange. I would call the customer service number on your old card and ask them about that.

  4. Had to put the air on here as well. A little warm for January in Florida...85 degrees.

  5. Mary, smart move, scammers are everywhere.
    The way our system is now working, soon you will not be earning income based on dollars,but instead in the form of government credits.
    The third worlding of america continues under the guidance of the democraps and repulsicans.
    The sheeple just keep on ignoring the real issues and doing nothing to change the direction of our country. The working public
    " ain't got no time for that"

  6. I heard the thunder and I thought, "Ain't nobody got time for that."

  7. Deep Thoughts: All we have left is time....

  8. I see you guys are getting some rain. We had that this morning and then it was supposed to be party cloudy and 74.
    It is cloudy and 51. Needless to say, the ac is no longer on. Talk about getting it wrong.
