Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my irregular insomniacs!  How are you? We’re seeing more winter weather than we did last year.  There’s snow on the ground and the temperatures have even dipped to the single digits.  But the groundhog says an early spring.  Who are you going to believe: meteorologists or a groundhog? 

I did not watch the Super Bowl this past Sunday.  I know that the Ravens won, that Beyonce performed, and that there was a power outage.  What else do I need to know?

Like some of the other Irregulars, I enjoyed the “Big Chill” event recently held in Monument Square.  I have a suggestion to make, however.  After the sculptures have started to melt/deteriorate, please flatten them. Otherwise, we see these grotesque figures in Monument Square every time that we pass by for weeks. 

I share my dismay with Mr. OrbsCorbs over the closing of Top Dog Hot Dogs.  Junior loved their chili dogs and I was a sucker for their Italian beef sandwich.  Perhaps I can work some “magic” for Mr. Caleb Robinson, the owner. 

Only one more week to get a Valentine's Day gift for your loved one. Of course, Madame Zoltar® Products, Inc., LLC, has a full line of love potions and notions available.  We can melt the heart of the coldest ice queen, or cool down the heated passions of an ardent stalker.  No matter what your romantic intentions, they will benefit from Madame Zoltar® Products.  Remember, “Madame Z, she’s for me!”

I’ll let you in on a little secret: I’m considering taking a concealed carry class.  Señor Zanza is against it and Junior thinks it’s “cool.”  I’m still undecided, but I think that personal safety has become a very important issue in the USA, especially in light of all the nut job shootings.  I know that I have certain gifts or “powers,” but nothing more discourages someone bent on your destruction than a bullet to the brain.  Oh my.

Thank you for stopping by this week.  I hope you find something that you like in my scribbling.  I enjoy creating this blog for my friends and friends-to-be. 

Not a day goes by that I don’t slip on the sidewalk or in a parking lot.  I don’t always fall, but I do slip.  Be very careful my friends.  Ain’t nobody got time for broken bones. Zoilism!


  1. love your slogan Mme. Z!
    You're for all of us , and we appreciate it!

  2. Do you have a catalog? Many types of conflicting items are needed.

  3. I was pulling for the 9'ers but shit happens.

    Milwaukee County Sheriff say protect yourself….get a permit and carry a big ass gun....laugh'in.

  4. Mme. Z, get a Taser instead. Once your attacker is down, you can pour some potions down his/her throat.
