Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Easy Pick'ins

This is way too crazy........


  1. I accidentally used a magnetic key in the wrong door a couple of years ago, and it worked. I knew when I entered that I was in the wrong room. Luckily, it was unoccupied.

    You can never guarantee that you are secure. Never leave valuables in an unattended room (hotel staff can easily be thieves, too) and always use the chain when you close the door behind you.

  2. Heh, this trick has been around since these e-locks came out. It doesn't work on all e-locks, mostly the lower end models in oddly enough 'higher' end name joints. Having done many years in the industry*, I'd worry more about the employee with the masterkey.

    * Hotel not thievery, I didn't just stay at a Holiday Inn, I maintained it.

  3. We just had the video about the credit cards broadcasting account information. Now this. The electronic stuff is too easy to hack.
