Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

Scandalous, simply scandalous!


  1. Oh.. Betty. Kind of reminds me of the cartoon Anime the high school nerds would sneak a peek at on school computers. Cartoon porn. Really?

  2. She looks like she has a wedgie and is trying to free it.

    Of course that is what I would be thinking while waiting for this colonoscopy and EGD. I just hope it's not the same tool they use at both ends . And if it is I hope the upper is first.

  3. BLB, you will know by the taste :(
    Roto Rooter is the name of BLB's new butt hole game.
    I will share the fifth with BLB to rinse the taste out of her mouth.
    Bon voyage BLB

  4. Look out guys, I think Betty's one of them Sirens. Is she wearing knee pads?

    Good luck with your test BLB. Hey, take a marker and write on your butt "whatever you find, you can keep".

  5. DodgeBoy you gave me one big laugh on that one. Can you imagine.
    Have a great Wednesday everyone.

  6. Geez, I JUST saw Betty's foot now. I thought she was a double amputee. DUH.

  7. nice surprise early visit by LS this morning, always nice to see one of our gang.
    BLB, I love your thought of Betty, I thought the same thing so it really made me laugh, hope your day goes quick and better days ahead soon!

  8. That is really S and M Betty, check out her leg, right out of San Francisco.

  9. Yesterday was bad... got nauseous and had a I paid the price and slept. all those yucky concoctions.

    Then couldn't get to sleep later but, before you knew it ,the alarm went off...time to go and get this over.

    They found 2 polyps and 3 ulcers on the upper scope. Have to wait for biopsy results.

    Got some food...yay. Now sitting in front of a warm fire (used to be in the past) with a few dogs on my lap. Plus watching som eman sleep with mouth open...time to bring out camera...nwah hahahah..

  10. BLB, sorry about the nausea and headache. That didn't happen to me, just explosive diarrhea for a few hours. I'm glad you're feeling better.

    Good luck with test results. My last colonoscopy, they took out 8 polyps. With that many, I figured cancer for sure. All 8 were benign. I believe they have good treatment for ulcers these days.
