Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my pretty valentines!  How are you? That snowstorm last week gave us a taste of what winter is supposed to feel like around here.  It’s hard for me to believe that as a child I loved to play in the snow.  Today, I despise it.  I enjoy scenic winter views as much as anyone.  My problems arise, however, when I have to deal with the snow and ice personally.  Scenic views won’t slip you up and put you in the hospital.  Black ice will do that in a heartbeat.

Tomorrow is when we celebrate VD.  Valentine’s Day, that is.  Be sure to show that special someone in your life that you love and appreciate him or her.  A gift, a meal, flowers, candy, just some words, whatever, take some time to share your feelings with your loved one.  Big, expensive, fancy gifts are wonderful, but giving of yourself is the best. I ask all of the Irregulars and regulars to be my valentine.

Why don’t friends of Mr. Mayor Dickert have to pay property taxes?  Why are the rest of us forced to financially support Mr. Mayor’s friends?  Failure after failure after failure is piled upon residents’ backs while Mr. Mayor’s friends don’t pay their “fair share.”  Mr. Mayor begs churches for money while his friends don’t pay property taxes.  What is wrong with City Hall?  Why do our “representatives” (aldermen) allow these conditions to continue?

I read about the Pope retiring and my response was, “Good.”  I’m not a Catholic, but I realize that Catholicism is a large and influential religion.  One reason I don’t like Pope Benedict may seem superficial, but he is the leader and face of the Roman Catholic Church.  I don’t like the way he looks.  Mostly, it’s those dark circles under his eyes.  He looks like an emissary from hell.  The other reason I don’t like him is because, as Cardinal Ratzinger, he actively hid and protected pedophile priests. Lots of them.  Maybe he is an emissary from hell.  When the latest round of pedophile priests broke out in Europe, the Pope cried and said that the accusers and critics were hurting the church.  That’s right: it’s the victims’ fault. Someone like that doesn’t deserve to be Pope.  Oh my.

Sorry for so much soapbox this week.  Here’s something a little more lighthearted:

Thank you, my dears, for reading my blog this week.  I always appreciate your comments. You are my raison d’etre.

Don’t have a valentine?

Don’t eat too much candy tomorrow.  Send it to me, instead.  Tee-hee.  Be careful when you’re walking or driving out there.  I love you all. Valetudinarian!


  1. I agree with you wholeheartedly Madame!
    Have a great Valentines Day but I must confess that I don't think there will be any candy left.

  2. Merci beaucoup, Madame, pour le blog splendide! Je souhaite que vous avez un bon jour de Valentine et d'amour plus d'excitement. Vous etes notre raison d'etre, aussi.

    I hope for the believers that the Pope's successor can bring more current views to the myriad of topics that have alienated and driven so many away from their faith. Not that I'd dive back into the fold, but times are very tough and people need something that they can feel good about.

  3. He DOES look like the devil himself, but dressed in white.

    If you looked at how his zucchetto
    (pontifical beanie) is white and gives the illusion they are horns, but really are part of the collar of the priest standing behind him.

    And evil eyes!!!

  4. bonjour mes amis, et un jour de valentine heureux à tous avec du chocolat, adios, hasta luego o hasta la vista o hasta... whatever.......

  5. I am going to speak like a pirate all day tomorrow...they say french is the langauge of love....AYE..but fooey on that!

    Avast, me proud pirate! Wanna know why your Roger is so Jolly?

    Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?

    Come on up and see me urchins.

    Yes, is that a hornpipe in your pocket and you are happy to see me

    Me'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.

    Pardon me, but would ya mind if you'd fire ye cannon through me porthole?

    How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?

    Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free.

    Well blow me sails! I've crushed seventeen men's skulls between me thighs!

    Yeah tomorrow is VD ...And a Happy VD to you all....aarrrrgh!

    And shiver me timbers.... way better than French!

  6. Aaaaaah, excuse BLB as her meds have not worn off yet.

  7. That's when you write the best stuff.

    Happy Valentine's Day to you, Mme. Z. I hope Señor Zanza provides you with "d'amour plus d'excitement."

    Unfortunately, Pope Benedict is conservative and has handpicked most of the Cardinals, the group that will decide who will be the next Pope. I believe that American Catholics would be better served if they broke away from Rome, but I realize that is a huge step.
