Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Westminster Dog Show

Affenpinscher Best in Show


  1. We watched Monday and forgot Tuesday's show until about 8:30 but did get to see the Champion named. Great show with even better commercials.

  2. Mary, Your correct. The commercials were great. I like the name of the winner more than I like the breed. "Banana Joe" wasn't It?

    I like the slobbering dogs. The bigger the better. The Great Dane was beautiful. I didn't get to see the Lab's or Retriever"s.

  3. Saw the dog on 'The View" today. What a cutie!!!

  4. I didn't see the show, but saw a dog that was to be entered. He looked just like a string mop. Crazy how different they all look.

    I prefer a mutt. Overall, they are much healthier. If I ever had another dog, it would be a rescue dog. Too many unloved animals out there that don't deserve the life they are living.

  5. woff woff pet me behind........

  6. Doggers! I didn't see the show, but I love animals, especially cats and dogs. The winner looks cute.
