Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my drenched dears!  How are you?  The weather continues to be a screwed up mess, and not just in Racine.  “They” are even predicting snow for later this week.  Nobody is predicting when spring-like weather will occur.  Maybe it will be cold and damp for months, and then we’ll swing right back into winter.  Oh my, I hope not.

I was saddened to hear that our Ms. kk is feeling under the weather.  With this weather, that says a lot.  I have been pinging you with psychic good vibrations, my dear.  You should feel better shortly.  I’m also sending out good vibes to Ms. Tender Heart Bear.  I know that it’s very discouraging to look for a job these days, especially in Racine with the consistently highest unemployment rate in the state.  Buck up, dear, good things will come to pass your way.  It’s all a cycle, it’s all connected. 

I’ve taken note of the brouhaha occurring at City Hall over concealed carry weapons.  First, there was the “executive order” from Mr. Mayor Dickert blocking all guns from City Hall.  Now the City Council has voted that elected officials with concealed carry licenses can carry a gun, but no regular citizen may.  The justification?  Some of them feel “threatened.”  Oh, my Lord, welcome to the real world.  I feel threatened whenever I leave or enter my house.  I’m much more worried about some meth or crack head toting a gun in my neighborhood than I am worried about a citizen attending a City Council meeting with a concealed weapon.  How many quick draws do we have on our Council?  If someone comes in spraying lead, how many will he kill before an alderman takes him down?  Someone has been watching too many Steven Seagal movies.

I also received an anonymous email this week:

Dear Madame Zoltar,

How can I convert myself to the Dark Side?  Instead of complaining about city government, I’ve decided to join them in the fleecing of the citizens.  So, what do I do now?  Should I ring up Dickert and announce that I’m on his side?  If so, would it be rude to ask about money at that time?  Or should I wait and just accept whatever they offer me?  I need to do this quickly because I’m broke and the bills have to be paid.

Please advise me at your earliest convenience.


Dear OC, are you sure you want to lose your eternal soul in exchange for dirty money?  Believe me, it looks like fun now, but when it comes time to pay the piper, there is hell to pay.  Satan has no mercy.  There will never be an end to your misery in the afterlife.  Maybe you’ll have to watch City Council meetings for eternity.  How gruesome!

Think it over, OC.  Let me know what you decide.

Thank you everyone for visiting my blog today.  I love my Irregulars and regulars and odds and ends.  You make my day.

You can’t handle the truth:

Try to enjoy this weather.  There’s not much else we can do about it.  Take care of each other.  Live and learn and love.  Make peace, not war.  Verbile!


  1. The justification? Some of them feel “threatened.” I’m so tired of those whining bitches; constantly screwing the community over then wonder why they feel threatened….gezzzz, wouldn’t it be easier to WORK with the people.

    Newspaper headline reads:

    Alderman open fires on audience

    Alderman cannot handle it when asked to tell the truth; pulls out his concealed weapon and open fires on the audience killing 3 and wounding 6 before he is subdued.

  2. SER, that was my take, too. We have elected officials being ousted, arrested, with DUI's, assaulting people, pedophiles... now we should let them be armed in public buildings?

    P.S. Thanks Madame. As Donna Summer said, "I will survive."

  3. Didn't the WHOLE story say that CITY OFFICIALS cannot change STATE LAWS, and allow guns? I understand that on the door of City Hall Is a sticker stating NO GUNS.

  4. Sorry kk but it was Gloria Gaynor... I know all the scorned woman songs.

  5. You're correct, BLB, I looked it up when I got home. Like the kids say.. "my bad."

  6. The weather witch employs the scorched earth policy

  7. Toad, the stickers on City Hall are the result of an "executive order" from Dickert barring guns. Now they've supplanted that with an ordinance, which allows them an exemption from the law.

    I never heard of a mayoral "executive order" before. Has anyone else?
