Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Milwaukee Keeps Pooping in Our Lake

Thank you, Milwaukee, for continuing to pump your raw sewage into our lake. They've had decades to deal with this problem, but not enough politicians have been bribed, so Milwaukeeans pee and poop in our lake. Tons of pee and poop. I suggest putting sewage on the desks of city "leaders." Why can't Milwaukee keep up? No other cities on the lake pump raw sewage into it. Why are they allowed to?


  1. I thought they made Milorganite out of It? Scott Walker probably had the City Counsel pass some kind of waver?

  2. According to the story, Milwaukee is "allowed" to dump sewage into the lake six times a year before the DNR tales action. Of course, what can the DNR do? Ase they going to make the waters recede? Milwaukee got ripped-off big time on the Deep Tunnel Project and now must live with the legacy of dishonesty, bribery and graft. It's kind of poetic justice: shit backs up into your house because of the shit politicians.

  3. The Milwaukee deep tunnel was a loser from the start.

    For over 30 years, the Milwaukee deep tunnel project has been the largest Cess provider to Lake Michigan.

    This deep tunnel project was highly touted by then Mayor(JohnnyAppleseed) Norquist and his environmentalist wife Susan Mudd.

    Just look at the SHIT they have sold us. The DIRTY BASTARDS in government LIE LIE LIE.

    Milwaukee' contaminated water killed numerous individuals, water employees falsified water quality reports and then deny any responsibility. we truly need the death penalty for public serpents

  4. I think Chicago also pumps sewage at extreme rainfall, and I believe Racine has the option too, under very extreme conditions, despite a lot of upgrading to the system in 2005, separating toilet/home use from street runoff. Milwaukee is by far the worst polluter and offender.


    Have you ever been to the "top" of the lake? The water is crystal clear and gorgeous!

  5. Thanks, kk. Because I never heard of other cities doing it, I assumed that they didn't.

  6. And you know what kills me? Signs up on the beaches that say "Do not feed the gulls". City officials are blaming the waterfowl our diseased beaches. Guess what folks? The birds have been here long before we were. To me, its just a cover up for Milwaukee's sewage problems.

  7. Owning 2 homes in my lifetime, I've paid attention to the news on this topic. That is one Tootsie Roll you don't want floating in your basement.

    I remember my first home needed repair because my roof runoff went into the raw sewage line. They came out, cut if off and capped that line.

    In my present house, there was some concern with flooding at the park near me and they dug things up to make a repair. Some of my neighbors had a lot of water backing up. Always a scary thing. I only get a tiny stream from the corner of the house to the sewer when rain is out of control crazy in the spring. I haven't been down there to look, and I don't want to go.

    The second link didn't take. It is a pdf. I think if you copy and paste it in, it should work.

  8. Drew, they city (police dept) can write you a citation for feeding the ducks down by the 5th street boat ramp.

    Boat own whined and cry the birds where pooping on the boats when they were tied up to their moorings in the harbor and they didn’t like all the goose shit in the parking lot.

  9. The geese are certainly messy, I know. I've seen what they have left on the ice after hundreds of them leave. Disgusting...

    I don't feed wildlife (with the exception of my bird feeder) for any reason. To see begging geese, ducks and gulls is quite disturbing to me. If an animal loses it's fear of humans, it could spell disaster for the animal.

    The point is, with the signs up, is the government trying to direct the unsafe beach blame elsewhere, instead of on focusing on the real problem.
