Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Open Blog - Tuesday

Will do.


  1. Hey Bob a Re Bob........#2 on your list

  2. it's the goal of the day :)

    Question for ya'all - have any of you gone thru the pre-planning process yet? My sister and I went to West Lawn the other day to check out options and get something going. My husbands cousin passed away very unexpectedly a few months ago, and his wife was left without any clue of what to do, they haven't even thought about it. I don't want to be in that position. Saw a cool idea, and I think I found my spot :)
    So much to consider... any thoughts, warnings, advice, etc? We know we're both getting cremated, that's the only thing for sure. I'm strongly leaning towards a double rock by a pond :)

  3. Today we have to get most of my daughters things moved out of her dorm and moved into her storage shed out in Whitewater by the college. This way it is easier to get her moved in when she goes back to school. Then on Thursday just pick her up with the rest of her clothes. Yes Thursday is her last day at college.

    LM- To be totally honest with you Drew and I have not talked about it at all. That is something to really talk about with him. Thank you for the suggestion.

  4. Happy Tuesday Everyone.

    LM - On my 50th birthday I got a notice saying it was time to start planning for my death. That went over like a lead balloon. I do know cremation will save you thousands of dollars.

    And no, I haven't made any "plans" yet.

  5. I figure "Roasting on an open fire" would be kind of nice? NO, seriously, I would rather let those that are still alive figure It out. Cremation, IS the only way to go. No BS at the Funeral Home, just Burn and Urn.

    I should add, that up here they stand outside the Funeral Home drinking beer. Now you need to understand, these are FAMILY members. "Larry would have wanted It that way" Larry will be buried In the morning, so they will have another chance to drink after he Is buried. Poor Larry, he was only 45.

  6. I did the preplanning thing with my mom. Haven't prepared for my own. The way you do it, it is almost like buying insurance... you pay one price and if costs go up between now and then, you are still covered.

  7. I just tried to call Mitch McConnell's office In DC, and It's too busy. I called his office In KY, and they just put me on hold. I don't know why? All I said was "You have a beautiful State, Too bad Mitch McConnell Is your Senator" She growled, and said "Please hold" perhaps for the rest of my life? So I never got to ask WHY the President owes Mitch McConnell anything, even In regards to the IRS, when Mitch McConnell won't give the President the time of day. We are going to fall apart as a country, and everything Is pinned to WHATEVER happened over at the IRS, Libya, and I don't remember the third disaster. What a joke.

  8. Yes Toad, our government officials are corrupt, all 999% of them.
    To hell with the Repulsicans and the Damnocraps. When you find an honest,honorable public servant, support them..../...

    Now for lizardmom's concerns.....you have an expert irregular on this subject, BLbasketcase can address your questions, perhaps a short seminar at the next irregular meeting would be good.......carry on

  9. also, with hubby working in the field he does, there is always a chance something could happen, one guy already lost his life on the job site a year ago. If something bad would happen to us both while we're out and about together, we don't want to put our kids in the position of having no clue what to do. Having it all planned and paid for takes quite a load of worry out of the equation.

  10. After my sister died, my eldest niece became my insurance's beneficiary. I told her, "I just want to be cremated. I don't care what you do with the ashes."

    I also don't care about a viewing. I told her she could have one if she wanted, but I suggest spending the money on a party.
