Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Open Blog - Wednesday

I wish I had wings. And x-ray vision.


  1. good morning, all!
    This week is flying by, and am I dreaming or is it actually going to be warm for a little while?? :)

    With all the season finales happening over the last week or so, which one(s) have you been waiting for/gasping over/etc? Castle was a wow for me. LOVED the finale on Survivor, just as I had hoped! NCIS - oh boy... and don't give anything away, it's on the DVR and I can't watch it til I get home from work!!

  2. LM- I recorded NCIS last night on our DVD player last night because we had to go out to Whitewater and move some of my daughters stuff. I love that show and look forward to it on Tuesday nights.

  3. Lesson learned: When you know your DVD-R player is going out, take the programs recorded on the hard drive and record them to DVD. Otherwise you will lose them. I did.

    When you have most of the afternoon off, do your chores instead of taking a nap. Because, your boss might call you and ask you to work on your day off (Wednesday). :{

    When you decide it's time to put your hanging flower baskets out because the weather has finally warmed up, don't do it 2 days after Mother's Day and the first nice week of spring. Five stores later and no flowers.

    Finally: When you realize your gas tank is getting low, and the prices are rising, put gas in it. For the next morning you might discover that gas has jumped 20 cents over night to $3.79. In 3 weeks it has gone from $3.16 to $3.79.

    Have a great day everyone.

  4. I need help with NCIS. Let me know when It's safe to ask those that are great fans like me.

  5. Mary, i am not certain without checking Gas Buddy, but It was $3.69 here last weekend. It's over $4.00 In the southern part of the state.

  6. Toad - they had a reporter at one of the gas stations this morning. While she was reporting how gas rose overnight, they raised it another 5 cents. Total BS.

  7. Mary, Wisconsin Law allows them to only raise It once In a 24 hour period. Wisconsin Is about 21 to 24 cents over the national average for some reason?

  8., say's were at $3.73 and Granstburg, WI. Is at $4.16, and Ladysmith Is $3.58 How can that be?

  9. per gas buddy in racine for the past 24 hours $3.89 to $3.95

    Memorial Day is coming so they have to get their inflated prices in.

  10. We get dinged with "specially formulated" gas in the southeastern part of the state which is more expensive to produce and provides less in mpg; while just across the border in Illinois, they can have the more reasonably priced, higher polluting version. Somehow, the air pollution stops at the border? I think not.

  11. Oh, I don't want x-ray vision. I want invisibility.

  12. Toad, I am caught up on NCIS, and NCIS LA - wow, what a way to end, ask away, not sure I'll be able to help, but I'll try. Beejay has to give the ok , I know she watches it as well, not sure who else does

  13. lizardmom, Who the hell was the Black guy that Gibbs was trying to stop the bleeding for, before he aimed the rifle? Also, WHO shot him?

  14. Toad, I'll watch it again and see if I can help. It was a little hard to follow, with him going between 'seeing' things and what was really happening.

  15. Orb's, Damned If I know? I never watched an episode.
