Monday, June 3, 2013

Open Blog - Monday

The start of another work week.


  1. Woo-hoo! Onward through year six.

  2. long day ahead (10 hours), then off tomorrow to spend with my mom for her birthday, sure gives me something to look forward to!

  3. And I smell a party coming.....

  4. Oh I so wish I were coming to the party. You guys will have such a great time.

    Have a good day everyone. No storms here for 3 days. Yee haw.

  5. Hope you make it well thru your long day LM. I'm off (I'm always a bit off) but hope to get some work done around the house today.

  6. I was wondering if the email about the gathering has been sent out? If so I haven't gotten it.. I can imagine that I'm not on the normal mailing list as I'm not here so often..

  7. Worry not, Why not, the emailing has not been sent out for the party, watch your email in the next few days for all the details.

  8. The plan is to bump the blog this evening to catch the stragglers. You will be getting the exact time and location probably tomorrow. Still the same date, still plan for afternoon. So looking forward to it!

  9. Damn, another billing screw up from WF. I only deal with them because my shrink is affiliated with them. Every time I talk to them, I get a different story. I think they just pull numbers out of thin air. Seriously. I remember the strife with my mother's hospital bills. If you bitched enough, they would "forgive" the debt. Then you received a new bill the next day.

  10. Orb's, Tell them you going to get the IRS after them with an AUDIT. I bet they would love one of those? I would just love to see the billing for Medicare.

  11. When I dealt with All Saint's on bills for my mom and her in-and-out the hospital episodes, they made such a mess of things, it would have taken Houdini to clear it up. She had medicare and private supplemental insurance.

    Bills came from dates that she never saw anyone, doctors we never heard of or saw, tests that weren't performed, radiologists from who knows where, supplies, you name it.

    Then the bills would be sent to her supplemental first, instead of to medicare, and therefore, denied. Then you'd get a random, obscure notice of "billing adjustment" but there would be no explanation of what service or date was involved.

    At one point, I made an appointment with a billing counselor, she looked into the files and said that with my mom's financial situation and with her insurance coverage, she should not have to pay a dime. Really? Total fricking mess!

  12. I made a payment on the bill last month. It does not show on this month's bill, plus there is now an added charge. They truly are notorious for screwing up billing. If it happens every time to some guy who stops in 4 times a year, just imagine what a mess they can make of a regular patient's life.

    Those bills from doctors in other cities were the "consultation charges;" i.e., someone, somewhere, glanced at the test results.

    My sister and her husband had to use a lawyer to get WF billing straight.
