Monday, June 3, 2013

Useless Information

Did you know:
In the United States alone, there are more then 5 billion dollars’ worth of women’s bras sold every year.


  1. Wow, I'd like to get my hand on some of those.

  2. Funny, Orbs!

    After I wore a Wonder Bra and took it off, I wondered WHAT HAPPENED to the twin girls and where they went.

    I once owned an 18 HOUR BRA and no one explained to me what happened after 18 hours, so I took it off at 17 hours fearing the worst.

    I also had a CROSS YOUR HEART bra,
    but never wore it because I "hoped to die and stuck a needle in my eye."

    Bras are EXPENSIVE! I could have paid for a lift with the money I spent on those boobie traps.

  3. I have a top that is the same exact color of that bra. I need it.
    I don't have to buy expensive bras because I don't have any expanse to put in them. :}

  4. You'd think with the sheer volume for these, they would have come up with an easier way for getting them un hooked. Is it on the front or back? I like the idea from Seinfeld...velcro

  5. I like your idea Jed. Sometimes the hooks get messed up and then can be irritating. Velcro might just work.

  6. Irritating...Yes it is Mary...Try doing it lip-locked and in the dark...that can be very frustrating. lol

  7. Yeah Jed, that ain't gonna happen.

  8. Reminds me of a joke.

    Ms KK (no relation) asked the 4th grade class to use "fascinate" in a sentence.

    Little Mary(no relation) said. "Last month my family went to the zoo and I found the animals to be fascinating"

    Ms KK said that was good, but she wanted the word to be "fascinate"

    Young boy Hale(no relation) said
    "I am fascinated by all of the things in outer space"

    Ms KK again told the class the word was to be "fascinate"

    Ms KK noticed that little SER had his hand up. SER was always getting in trouble, but Ms KK thought that there was no way he could do any harm with this so she called on him.

    SER said "My sister has a sweater with 10 buttons on it, but her boobs are so big she can only fascinate"

  9. The velcro is a bad idea.... I can only imagine what would happen when a big sneeze came on.

  10. I'm surprised men haven't figured out a remote control to "unfascinate" them, lol. There might be some money in that idea. I'm claiming copyright.
