Friday, July 5, 2013

Four for Fridays

Hello everyone! How is everyone feeling on the day after the Forth? The sun is shining and the birds are chirping. You guessed it.... I'm still on vacation. Anyways, here are some questions...

1) How often do you hear sirens in your neighborhood?

2) What kind of fireworks have you lit off?

3) What kind of animals have you seen in your backyard?

4) What magazine do you look for while waiting at the doctor's office?

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. 1. 6-8 times a day. I hate It.

    2. Little ones. I'm not a lucky person, and when I do something dangerous, It usually goes BAD.

    3. Deer, Possums, Squirrels, Rabbits, Frogs, Toads, Fricken Humans.

    4. Penthouse, and I have yet to find It.

  2. Feeling great after the 4th. I behaved and didn't punish my body at all. Thanks for asking! As our buddy Dave would ask, "How Uuuuu doing?" ;>

    1. I hear them frequently, but not to excess. I'm fairly close to a major road, so they go past. They used to bother me, but when my parents were ill, I started looking at it like a blessing that help is around when you need it.

    2. None. I leave it to the professionals. I kind of like my hands, arms and eyes.

    3. City animals: rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, on rare occasion a raccoon or two. Once saw an Opposum. Creepy looking things.

    4. Used to look for PC World. Now, I usually take out my Kindle and pretend to read. Who can concentrate in those offices? I'm always listening to the receptionist or secretely eyeing up the other people, wondering what I'm going to catch from them. ;>

  3. 1) To much with the area we live.

    2) I use to for my kids when they were little. Now I just go and see the fireworks the city shots off.

    3) Wood Peckers, House Sparrows, Finches, Cardinals. All kinds of birds with are feeders up.

    4) Anything but the gossip magazines.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. We are heading out tomorrow for a long day of birding and looking for more wildflowers to share.

  4. 1) How often do you hear sirens in your neighborhood? I am one of them in a few respects. My favorite way is that of luring the men to their demise from the cliffs on my ditch line. I had to stop when the officer said I could not sit naked on the rocks in front of my house calling to the truckers...the closest thing to the seamen I could find.

    2) What kind of fireworks have you lit off?

    Several years I lit one off on a walled in, 2 story,flat roof. This was back when I lived in Chicago. The giant flaming spinner never took off into the air, but still did it's thing spinning, but bouncing off all the roof patio walls. A few of us were dodging a firey, spinning, object with nowhere to escape. We all had some burns on our legs from hot sparks.

    3) What kind of animals have you seen in your backyard?

    A variety...a pair of foxes, racoon, muscrat, coyote deer, wild dogs, stray gentlemen, and the best being a runaway cow. The owner showed up and the cow saw him and disappeared into the woods....all he said was " THAT MUTHER F*#@&R" . I heard he had to be shot days later.

    4) What magazine do you look for while waiting at the doctor's office?

    Anything...most have become such cheap asses that there is none.

  5. 1) I hear sirens all the time. I don't pay much attention to them.

    2) In Chicago, I met a guy who made his own firecrackers. They were more like bombs. I bought 10, but the police confiscated most of them. I think they were similar to dynamite. They needed a small explosion to set them off. One made my ears ring for days.

    3) Squirrels, rabbits, birds, skunks, raccoon, possum, fox, ducks.

    4) I read the paper if available, but mostly just sit and wait. I'll shut my eyes and zone out.

    Thanks for the questions, drew. Have a good time tomorrow.

  6. 1) Every now and then... Go Up North, its maybe once a year...

    2) Anything with a fuse. Firecrackers, bottle rockets, mortars, M 80's, Roman candles, etc.

    3) Ever since I've put bird feeders up, we've had a daily dosage of Downy Woodpeckers, House Finches, House Sparrows and goldfinches. During the winter, juncos. We've had cardinals, starlings, Mourning Doves, White Breasted Nuthatches and Purple Finches. From the skies I've seen Turkey Vultures, Common Nighthawks, Cooper's Hawks, Tree Swallows, Chimney Swifts, gulls, Canadian Geese and Mallards. On the ground-skunks, Opossum, rabbits and Raccoon. The funny thing is that we live in an apartment complex.

    4) Anything with an interesting article. Sometimes, I'll bring a book.

  7. 1. in our subdivision, rarely, but we can hear those that are on hy 20 and 16th street as well, we're about dead center between the 2
    2. I've never... but hubby and a friend sometimes are naughty up north...
    3. we've killed racoons, skunks, possums and rabbits. we caught a feral cat in the trap once, it was psycho. We've had some chipmunks running around like they own the place and we're still not sure what's living under the house, but it dug thru packed snow hills to get under there, it became a game...
    4. I bring either a book or my kindle, I have plenty of stuff to read of my own, may as well use the time to get something I want to read, read.

  8. 1. Considering we are off a busy St., not that much.

    2. None. Sparklers as kids.

    3. Birds, ducks, frogs, dogs, and that critter whose name I can't remember right now as the dog is barking at the lawn guys.

    4. Anything that is available.

  9. 1. Rarely. Only EMTs in my neck of the woods
    2. Sparklers
    3. Fox, bobcat, raccoons, opossum, hawks, owls, various small birds, squirrels, chipmunk...I live in Wild Kingdom.
    4. I usually don't have to wait. Magazines? They are older than I am.

  10. Beejay didn't mention the lizards and snakes. Any gators on the lanai?

  11. Those are in the house, not the backyard.

  12. Figured I'd leave those critters out for kk's sake. 😉

  13. Late for the show again and I will try not to be as boring.

    1. I only hear sirens when I hear them. Other than that I don't hear the sirens.

    2. Does dynamite count as fireworks in Racine? it did in the megapolis of Pickeral.

    3. Yeti, Bigfoot, ET. and a giant Bullfrog named Jeremiah. And like Toad, Fricken animals disguised as humans.

    4. Since I don't know how to read, I look for the magazine with the most pictures, that's how I order my food also, just point at the picture.

    And speaking of pictures, have you seen the Presidential toilet paper series? The dirty bastards Bush and Obama are the best sellers. Soon they will provide envelopes so you can mail your results to them.

    Has George Orwell's book 1984 been been reclassified to prophecy yet?

    Enjoy your weekend Irr's!
