Friday, July 19, 2013

Mom wins for Caledonia!!

She was excited and a little surprised that she won
our of quite a few nominations. 
It was definitely toasty out there but at least it 
was early morning before it became unbearable. 
Random strangers stop at her house just to look, 
and if she's home, she happily gives them the whole tour. 
She's worked really hard and loves this stuff.


  1. I'm so glad my sister and I were able to be there to surprise her, especially since they called her name, we both just screeched with excitement. Too cool!

  2. That is so nice you and your sister were able to be there for your mom. Let her know we are so happy for her too. Great pictures!

  3. Looks gorgeous. Congratulations to Mom for all her hard work! I appreciate a beautiful garden. Road trip?

  4. What a gorgeous garden. We have a lady across the street, that turned her entire front yard into a garden. It a an unbelievable site, and NOBODY recognizes It. NOBODY.

  5. Toad, YOU should tell her how lovely it is, and that it brings you happiness to see it. As someone who loves to plant and watch things grow, I know it would please her tremedously that you appreciate her work.

  6. that's just one small area, she has so much more. She happily gives tours for people that just stop over - total strangers. She is the one that did our yard. Hers, is a good 1/3 of her property, everything from the driveway to the west. The only grass still around is on the other side, but she has areas over there as well, all landscaped/flowered/etc. If anyone want to check it out, let me know. Either I can meet you there, or just make sure she's home and she'll gladly show off all her work :)

  7. That's a beautiful garden. Your mom deserves the honor, LM. She should work for the Chicago Botanic Garden.

  8. LM - what a great honor to bestow upon your mother. Your mother earned that award.
