Friday, July 19, 2013

Open Blog - Friday

Have a fantastic one, too.


  1. My internet connection was slow and balky for most of the evening. It seems to be alright now. I wonder if high heat affects the cable system?

  2. I think it affects alot of things, one more day and we should be alot more comfortable,if they're not wrong...

  3. I pray they are not wrong. Yesterday I had to reboot my computer three times and I could not figure out the reason. This weather is crazy, I don't even want to be outside with the kids and they are going crazy in the house.

  4. It's only about 70 degrees up here In Mauston. OOP'S, I guess I'm still In the house. I'm headed to the next story.

  5. Mine was like that on Wednesday. Slow, didn't want to go anywhere. That being said, my boss (who is a mile away) said his connection on Wednesday was on/off. I think its the heat.

    It's FRIDAY!!!!!

  6. Oh, I'm sad now. Schoep the dog has passed away at the age of 20.
    He had a good life, that is for sure. I'm sure all of our furry friends are greeting him in Heaven.

  7. I just came home from taking the kids to see my trouble making sister from JTI's and also going and seeing Drew for his lunch. It is to warm out there to keep the kids outside anymore!

  8. Mary, I think MY boss has possibly gotten the best of me? Seems like Winnie the English Mastiff It getting a visitor In the morning. My theory, If I lay on the ground, and moan her name, and she comes to save me, I SCREWED. What the hell. If they tell us we can't have three dog's, we can just VACATE to the hills, and leave the house to the ROTTEN Mortgage Co. Their gun runners, money launderers anyhow. F*** em Bucky.

  9. hey now, trouble maker :) I behaved, this time...
    It turned out to be a single individual in training for health inspector with the inspector for our area. She had to perform an inspection so he could make sure she would know what to do and to do it all right, ask all the right questions, etc. She seemed quite nice, thorough, and non-threatening. We always ace those, so he wanted to do it at our restaurant, quite an honor and alot of pressure to be that good all the time, it was a breeze

  10. Mary, condolences on Schoep.

    My internet connection is still screwed up. Sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slow. I hate calling Time Warner's tech support because they have no idea what is going on, either. One person from tech support will tell you to do something, and another tech support person will tell you the exact opposite. No matter who is at fault, it is ALWAYS the customer's fault with Time Warner Cable, where you pay more and more for less and less.

  11. Btw, Gateway is another ripoff of the taxpayers: unelected bureaucrats gouging the taxpayers. And it's "legal."

    The system is fucked up. I do whatever I want now. Since our "leaders" are criminals and stealing from us, there's no reason to obey the law anymore.

  12. Keep Working ORBS! Bryan Albrecht and hundreds of his employees are depending on YOU to make them $$ MILLIONAIRES! $$

    100 GTC employees’ pay exceeded $100,000 in 2011

    One hundred Gateway Technical College employees earned more than $100,000 in 2011, according to school data.

    That’s 17 percent of the college’s 586 staff who were issued federal W2 forms for the year.

    Total payroll was $41.3 million.

  13. I get it now. Schoep was an internet meme.
