Thursday, July 18, 2013

Open Blog - Thursday

Some people just want it to be over.


  1. busy day ahead. open at work, leave by 7:30, race home and change, do a drop off for work, pick up my sister and get to Monument Square to surprise my mom, who was nominated for some award. Next up, late breakfast with my sister, then off to see my great aunt who is celebrating her 98th birthday today - whew!!!!! and trying to beat the heat. I shall sleep well tonite!

  2. Good luck, lizardmom, with all the things you have to do. Drink a lot of fluids.

    98th birthday is impressive. Happy Birthday, great aunt!

    Congratulations to mom for winning a Racine in Bloom contest.

    Everyone else, stay cool and hydrated.

  3. Good morning everyone. No big plans for the day. Just the continued organization of all things that are left undone when one is working, busy and exhausted.

    We never had air conditioning as kids. Somehow we survived. I can't imagine buying a house without it, now. I might not make it.

  4. Good luck today LM and Happy Birthday to your Aunt and Congratulations to Mom.
    Our unseasonably cool weather is now over and we are going back into the 90's. No 100's though and that is a good thing.
    Have a great day everyone. Stay hydrated.

  5. I wish I were there. We could go have a COLD one somewhere. Get obliterated, and call a call a Cab. I'll sleep within the floweres of Abe and Mary Lincoln, and Orb's can offer me SNOTTY eggs for breakfast, with greasy bacon. After looking at that, and Ralphing big time, I should be OK to drive home.

  6. I could alway's drive down, to pick Winnie the English Mastiff up from the Kennel, but we would have to find a place that accepts Mastiff's as customers. I'll bet Winnie would have one with us.

    You folks have NO idea how bad I feel for that dog. I don't understand why nobody has picked her up. I have called twice, and she isn't huge, like some Mastiff's just kinda big. My wife wants her BAD. The bad part, Is we still have two dogs. and Winnie Is 7 years old, and I don't know how long they live? Probably longer than me. Can't you just see me and Winnie on the interstate In a VW Bug?

  7. LM- Good luck with the heat and like Daddy Orbs said please stay hydrated I keep telling Drew that when he calls me from work. Congrats to Mom and Happy Birthday to your Great Aunt.

    I know how the heat feels I was in it all day yesterday going to Oshkosh to pick up the Grandkids. It was 93 degrees up there at 10am. Then when I picked Drew up from work it was 98 degrees down here.

  8. I am so pumped up - Project Runway starts tonight. I love that show.

  9. Defense seeks doctor’s records: Attorney says cocaine affected Armus’ ability to perceive truth

    Did they test Dishonest John yet?

    Cocaine addiction affected “his ability to accurately perceive the truth.”

    In addition, dermatologist Steven L. Armus’ “long-term cocaine abuse” has left the doctor “unable to depict the truth,” according to a 46-page motion filed July 5 in Racine County Circuit Court.

    Who's the Embezzler? Has he been arrested yet? When will the stolen money be recovered?

  10. You poor folks. I see that Florida is cooler again today than WI. Oh my. Stay hydrated and limit your physical activity. We still won't hit 90 today. Our normal high is 92.

    Be careful, folks.

  11. it was hot downtown but we were lucky enough that shade protected us til about the last 10 minutes. From my understanding, the judges picked one 'winner' for each town (I think there were 9 - Caledonia, Sturevant, North Cape, Mount Pleasant, etc) Mom won for Caledonia, I am SO glad my sister and I were able to be there to surprise her and to witness it, she was on cloud 9 for getting reconized. Too cool! I will post pics soon, still not friends with my computer, miss froggy needs to download them so I can pick the best and post. There will be a full album of mom's yard stuff on facebook, for those of you connected there. Did I mention my mom won? :D
    We had a nice visit with Aunt Lucille. 98... wowsers... she's adorable, nice time. IT's always hard to leave, she gets all teared up, crushes your heart. I wish her nursing home as closer, the I and Greenfield Ave, while trying to manoeuvre construction, made it an 'exciting' trip for sure. My bed is calling, almost time to answer :)

  12. Went fishing out by Mukwonago 6 hours on the lake.

    It was 100 degrees when we came off the lake.

    I think I need to change my name to Lobster Man....damn I'm cook'in

  13. I hope you're not too sunburned.
