Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Dear Madame Zoltar

Hello, my beautiful bratwursts!  How are you?  Our wondrous weather continues.  Almost every day is a perfect day for outdoor activities.  Sometimes, I’ll run in and out of the house a few times just because I can’t do that in the winter.  Junior likes to camp out in the yard on days (and nights) like this.  Señor Zanza chaperones.  I stay in my comfy bed.

I want to vent about the blackouts on Time Warner Cable, but I’m afraid I’ll forget that I’m a lady and say something that I’ll later regret.  I understand that our beloved Green Bay Packers won their preseason game this past Saturday.  Hip, hip, hooray!  Someday, I might see them on TV again.  Their next preseason game, this Friday against the Seattle Seahawks, starts at 7 pm in Lambeau Field.  CBS is covering it.  Aren’t they blacked out by TWC, too?  It’s sickening.  As soon as I can get Señor Zanza’s butt on the roof, we’re installing a TV antenna.  I can connect to the internet via AT&T.

While I’m on the subject of football, I’d like to give a plug to our local teams, the Racine Raiders and the Racine Threat, who are meeting this Saturday at Horlick Field in the “Battle of Belle City:”  They deserve our support.  No matter who wins, it’ll be a Racine team.    

The Racine Zoo is reportedly doing well: That’s good to know.  When someone really irks me, I take them to the zoo to see what I’m going to turn them into.  Sometimes I leave them there.  It’s my little contribution.  Oh my.

And speaking of zoos, you ought to see my neighborhood at night.  Oh my, oh my, that’s not nice.  Accurate, perhaps, but not nice.

I must say that Downtown Racine has been beautiful with flowers and plantings this season.  Simply gorgeous.  Take a look at Monument Square.  If only we could inspire such pride in appearances throughout the city.  I suppose I could even accept a sagging pair of pants if flowers were growing in them.  Keep Racine beautiful: fill your underwear with soil and stick a petunia in them. 

Finally, my dears, don’t talk and drive in Kenosha school and construction zones:

Thank you for reading my blog today.  Thank you for visiting with me.  Thank you for making my day.

The best plants for your underwear garden?  Find out:

Enjoy, enjoy the weather, my friends.  It’s too bad that we can’t capture sunshine and release it on a gloomy winter’s day.  So, get it while you can.  Relish the temperatures.  Monomania! 


  1. TWC is quickly becoming a pain in the butt. I have been giving AT&T U-Verse serious thought.

    They will set you up with a wireless router and give you receivers for each TV. You can move them anywhere you want around the house, plug in the TV and receiver and away you go.

    I was at my daughter’s house Saturday and my son-in-law brought his TV out on the deck. It was pretty cool to sit outside and watch the game. I do have to admit when the sun went down it got kinda cool out there but nothing that a sweatshirt wouldn’t take care of.

    And their internet is just as fast as TWC.

  2. Imagine my surprise Saturday night after dinner when I turned on CBS and there were the Packers. I got to see the 2nd half.
    Same thing happened on Sunday, turned on the NFL channel and they were rebroadcasting the game. Turned in in time to see exactly what I saw Saturday. Grr.
    If you guys get the NFL channel, they always replay it.

    Again, thanks for the post Madame. It wouldn't be Wednesday without you.

  3. I don't even try to watch TV anymore. I get too frustrated. I can not see the "duplication clause " being enforced when one channel is no longer available. It isn't duplication if one is not in service.

    I can see Channel 4 news online. I can watch NBC Nightly news online with a 4 1/2 hour delay on my tablet. It is a pain and does not meet my schedule, though. I cannot watch Jimmy Fallon or SNL. I usually turn the television off. Really ticks me off. They need to settle this Damn dispute!

    There, Madame... did I do enough grousing for the two of us?

  4. Good idea for the plants in your pants.....
    I thought of a few, Madame!

    Venus Fly Trap

  5. You could grow a garden in your underpants and be self-sufficient.

    SER, that sounds really nice. I don't even subscribe to TV anymore - can't afford it. If U-verse internet speed is similar to TWC, I may have to take a look.

    Thank you, Mme. Z, for your enthralling blog each week.

  6. Thanks so much for your weekly Wednestday bird inspiration of Drew and THB, without your guidence and inspiration, we would be without such fine entertainment. PS.
    Keep Senor Zoltar in the box......,.

  7. I was just able to see the video you posted, Madame. Texting while driving should be fined no matter where it is done. The woman says, "We are all guilty of it," well, no we all aren't. I am really surprised and alarmed at how many people are driving and looking at their phones, not the road. All it takes is a second to have a life changing disaster. Yesterday, two little boys ran into the street, chasing each other. Had I been inattentive.... it could have been a different day.
