Wednesday, August 21, 2013

From Then till Now

Saturday Night Fever – 1977 with John Travolta.
Can’t sleep so I was sitting here watching it.  During the dance scenes what is different from then to now?
ALL the women wore dresses or skirts, which is a very rare site to see today.  I think you would be hard pressed to see 15 women in one day wearing a dress or a skirt walking down the street today.


  1. I do find that surprising about the dresses. They made a big comeback this year. I guess it depends on where you live.
    The dancing in the movie was good but I'd have to say the music is 100% better.

  2. The only place I see men in suit and ties anymore is by the courthouse. Everything has become more casual. When I was very young, we dressed up for church. I don't know about churches anymore, but I have noticed that some people dress like slobs for court these days. And they don't say, "Your honor," either.

    I wear T-shirts and jeans/shorts 99.99% of the time.

  3. If you watch some of the very old photos or movies of a professional baseball game, the men all had hats and ties on.

    I use to think it was a women lib thing or burn the bra but I believe we're way past that era in life

  4. when you're dressed up whether it be a man or a woman, does it make you free or professional while at work?

    Do you think it changes the quality and or quantity of your work?

  5. It is nice to dress up once in awhile. I'm sitting in a party dress right now, lol. Seriously, bras are not a sign of oppression... nylons just might be.

    I think you can do a professional job no matter what you are wearing. Others might have a better reaction and opinion if you are neat and presentable.
